Police and crime in Raleigh

Raleigh is obviously a relatively safe city. You don’t need the Rudy/Bill Bratton full on broken windows theory policing here, although it was a success in NYC.

You just need a proactive police presence here. Not petty harassment, just cops present and available who are allowed to do their job.


By chance was it the homeless dude that typically sleeps in from of this building?

Normally, I’d have a bit more sympathy for someone in that position. But, he’ll randomly show up, leave garbage everywhere, and I’m pretty sure piss all over the sidewalk. Snapped these photos a while back where it was clear that the owners of the property were tired of having to deal with this.

I walk down this road almost daily. So, I was pretty sure the owners were going to do something about this soon since nothing was changing.

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It was in front of that building, yep. No idea if it was that exact guy.

Gotcha. I think there’s two homeless guys that sit around there.

One of them is a white guy that is balding (he’s the one that typically sleeps here). The other is a black guy that typically wears a beanie hat. Hoping it wasn’t the second guy, because he’s one of the nicer guys in that area. He said ‘Happy New Year’ to me every day for a month last January while I was walking by. I’ve seen the barbershop close by gives him some work from time-to-time.

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I don’t think that the typical expected arrests result in central prison occupancy. Wouldn’t they end up in the county jail?

Not sure if this belongs here or in the Fayetteville Street section, but considering the recent council meeting I’m inclined to agree with MAB here on this as a matter of public safety. Adding an ABC Store here now would be incredibly tone-deaf. Before we can have nice things, we need to figure out how we can rectify the situation we have at hand.

Before taking it away immediately, I’d probably contact the business owners in the immediate area as well as the ones that showed up last night and ask their opinions. Honestly, if there is an ABC Store here, it would likely be best to have it only available to businesses in the immediate area (and not walk-in guests).

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While I am a fan of MAB, I disagree. Next we’ll be asking the only grocery store in DTR to stop selling beer and wine? Maybe I am oversimplifying the larger, more complex issue. I guess I am not yet persuaded we should hold off, but my mind can be changed as it is open…Lol :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Walk to the location at New Bern and imagine that downtown. That will change your mind.


Backside of Kimbrell’s, kinda seems like a waste of a prime location on one hand BUT if that carves out / creates a good space for a co-tenant on the other side - WIN. This location serving the DTR hospitality scene and more future residents - makes sense on one hand but in the current climate, keeping any fuel away from the fire seems reasonable. Could be an adventure for ABCstaff…
I bet RPD response times here would be :100:

The Village ABC store benefits from the district’s private security. I would hope the state can outfit the space in front of them, the sidewalks along Salisbury, with cameras and good lighting.


There is security I was at the North Rsleigh ABC Store Friday there’s security the state will handle this. Now I’m afraid if Gucci comes to Raleigh people will be scared of that like this guy Francis Patani is about the ABC store.

I thought a city couldn’t dictate what businesses come here, but now I’m afraid of my Gucci store.

There’s already an ABC store in the sketchiest stretch of New Bern Ave. I think we’re fine.


Yeah they’re prostitutes I was there two weeks ago. Nothing but drugges, and people begging for money. One women as me for money I said no, she had been in those clothes for days. There prostitution vans going everywhere.

Bars and restaurants are assigned a specific ABC store that they can place orders through. They wouldn’t be able to walk into this ABC store and purchase alcohol for sale to the public, unless this location got reassigned to them.

Cheap liquor is not what this ABC store will be selling. It will be on par with Cameron Village

That New Bern one is not that far from downtown. I bet some of that sketch may find the downtown location closer.s

I also like MAB but disagree on this particular issue. If you have to turn away businesses because you can’t keep the shitty people under control, you’re failing as a city. Put the ABC in and get the proper policing and security if that’s needed. Don’t take amenities away from the 98% of downtown visitors and residents that are productive, normal people because of a few bad apples.


…am I THE only one that is finding this whole thing to be … INCREDIBLY OVERBLOWN? Like YEAH, there’s A LITTLE more crime than we’re used to in recent years… there’s also A SHITLOAD MORE PEOPLE LIVING HERE NOW than we’ve EVER SEEN BEFORE lmaooooooo. The crime rate per capita is still EXTREMELY LOW compared to other similar sized cities… .WHAT THE HELL AM I MISSING HERE??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


The video posted from the City of Raleigh meeting that had testaments from business owners in the area seemed to bring the situation into more light. A lot of first hand accounts from people who have been dt daily for years who say it has gotten much worse in the last 3-6 months.