Prince Hall Historic District

At least they’re not closing a street to build it. We all know how you feel about that…


Very true!

And to be clear, I still think this is a great project. Glad to see it moving forward!

Just trying to point this out so nobody gets their hopes up too high and then is sorely disappointed.


“Win some, lose some” - or in Raleigh’s case, “Settle some, lose more”

Have we seen these renders yet for 423 S. Blount St? This looks awesome.

Courtesy of Raleigh Magazine

Article on this hotel + the others coming soon - Four Downtown Raleigh Hotels Unlocking DTR As a Destination


That is new to me! I like the changes now that is shorter

Not to be a :grinch: but isn’t that the original height rendering, before it got scaled down? I definitely like the look tho

Habitat wants to build 2 duplexes on City lots near Bloodworth & Cabarrus intersection.


Rounded corners like that are simple to add to a Revit model but add quite a lot to the construction cost. I say there is 0% chance that survives VE. Probably already been cut. As mentioned before, this design is likely to get scaled back quite a bit.


Rounded?? Looks like 45-deg angles like bay windows. Simple enough to frame.

Whoops, sorry didn’t realize this had already been posted - just saw it was on the city council meeting agenda for today.


Oh. Not talking about your post. Taking about the hotel a few posts up

These look fantastic. One can only hope that they really look like this, but I’m not going to hold my breath.


Wow…had you not clarified, I would’ve missed that detail. That’s definitely what hasn’t been shown before, and I agree, the most likely element to be V/E’d. I was under the impression they were diagonal windows.

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I’m most impressed with the improvements to the base 3 floors. Soooo much better!


you’re joking right?

Care to offer anything productive?

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I’m still confused as to whether this is real. My understanding was that it was approved for 7 stories, and this appears to be 10 (even in the new one). Can anyone clarify?