Public Art in Raleigh

Because this city only values cars. Those monsters.

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Small wins. Extra characters.


Easier said than done I know, but I wish PNC Plaza would string up some lights on their spire a la the WRAL tower. Would look awesome with the way it’s already illuminated this time of year.


I’ll let you volunteer for that job… Lol


New outside art banner by artist Max Dowdle being hung at First Baptist Church, 99 N Salisbury Street, overlooking McDowell and Edenton Streets.


Nice, very nice… but look here what Cary is doing…

Workers continue to assemble the apparatus surrounding two large sculptures of a male and female cardinal at Cary’s Downtown Park. They sculptures are located in a nature-based children’s play area called “The Nest.” Children will be able to climb inside and look out through their eyes, allowing an overview of the park. SCOTT SHARPE

Read more at:


Dag nabbit, that darn Cary is alway trying to outdo all its neighbors.

Only children? Asking for a friend…


Stained glass brick!

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It’s actually a banner which has been a year in the making. But, I can see where that mistake could be made.


From that angle, the male (strike female) looks impaled by the slide (?) and dead!
Thanks @Jake, I know the the male is always showier, and completely brain-farted that one.

Only because they’re our state bird that I must correct you: the bright red Cardinals are male, the brownish colored ones are female!


That’s pretty common with most colorful birds :bird:

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Did a little digging and according to the project manager:

"They’re for children and for those who are young at heart. I’m definitely going up in the birds.”

Also, dying that there’s always some cranks who hate everything…

“One user said Cary was moving to become the “next Asheville the way things are happening. So terribly sad.”


Indeed! The thought behind why birds have evolved that way makes sense too: the females are the ones who guard the young/nest, so they are better camouflaged whereas the males are the ones who are brightly colored as to attract any predators away from the female and their young!

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Oh yes… so terribly sad to … live in a successful, growing city rather than a dying one…? wait huh???

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And to attract females.


And also cuz guys sometimes just like to look pretty too. I get it.

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Gotta put on the big show to win those lady bird hearts!!!

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I’d love to be able to sit these people down and force them to talk out their thought process with this stupid shit. “Ok, so, you’re upset about this beautiful new park being built because it means, somehow, that Cary is becoming Asheville - first, you understand Asheville is an entirely different city in an entirely different region, right? Ok. Next: do you dislike parks in general, or just newly built ones? Ok so you do like parks. So you prefer your local parks to be ugly and run-down? You’d prefer to have a piece-of-shit park in your hometown? OH! You don’t… so… what about a nice new park do you dislike and why does a single new park somehow equal “becoming a different city entirely”?” Like, there’s just so many stupid points you could stem from these Neanderthal statements that these people don’t even realize they’re actually saying.