Raleigh Elections and Council Overall

I’m of the opinion to just add one more seat. I’d be worried about a councilor just running on a single issue, the locality argument. Maybe the districts could be drawn in a way that councilors have to represent diverse communities but I’d rather us grow our council one seat at a time. :man_shrugging:


Either a “downtown district” seat or another at-large, IMO


We absolutely need a downtown district to give us a voice on the council and a seat at the table.


curious… would that then just involve new studies for re-districting, I guess to be paid for , so 6 years later the same discussions reappear as they are having now?

does anyone know who the band is that does the music leading up to the videos of the city council meetings on youtube?

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I’ve always thought there was a downtown district… no wonder why the downtown streets are filled with potholes.

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I mean…C, D, and E are all downtown, plus the at-larges.

The issue with that is that downtown is split into 3 and then considered such a small representative population of each of those districts as a whole. I have a lot more in common with someone on the other side of Dawson than I do with someone in a suburb almost all the way out in Knightdale.

A lot of the council members are willing to give more credence to the representatives of the districts that the project is impacting. Breaking downtown into 3 and them making smaller parts of districts that are all essentially suburbs is not good representation.


They should at least make an urban core district that spans from North Hills to Downtown South if the population numbers are too low at the moment. And then adjust as the urban population explodes.


I’d also like to move my part of district D into district E because we’re rich and I have more in common with those people in district E than the country bumpkins in southwestern district D.

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District ITB if you will

Well, we are talking Raleigh here. Every district is gonna have some suburb in it unless the council expands to like 17 seats.


Wooh nice. Mitchell Silver running for District A, currently with Mary Black in place. I’m not sure if she’s announced she’s re-running or not.


Wow…this could be huge. What a big name to run!!


Wow my least favorite council member against someone who I respect and actually know about. Awesome! Hope he wins.


Good news. I’m in district A and have not been impressed with Mary Black. Looking for a good alternative. I will need to look into Silver.


You’ll be very happy when you learn about his history with Raleigh… and his experience in NYC.


This is the best news regarding a future city council that I can even imagine!
Thanks for sharing.


Christina Jones won her district by less than 800 votes. It would be great to have a strong candidate running against her.