Raleigh Elections and Council Overall

Does anyone actually read the N&O?

Okay, I admit it…I do. :wink:
However, I went to the eEdition only a few months ago…:shushing_face::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Under the city’s government structure, does the mayor hold any more power than any of the other city councilors? I know there are procedural actions that the mayor is responsible for, but in a practical sense, does the mayor have any more authority than any of the other 7 councilors when it comes to actionable items?

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Several years ago the News & Observer used to have effective and consequential investigative reporting. But so many of their top people have either quit or been laid off. It’s really a shame that a city the size of Raleigh can’t swing a decent newspaper.

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Several years ago I subscribed to the Sunday only edition for about a year. They were running a Groupon special on it. I stopped it after the year because it was just a waste of paper and ink.

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Hey all. We decided to host an election watch party on October 8. Come on out that night to chat with other Raleigh civic-types and we’ll have a laptop up, refreshing as the results come in.


Used to buy that paper to line bird cages but it was not even good for that, birds rejected it.

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Meet and Greet at Legends for Mary-Ann Baldwin TODAY 3-5PM. A Champion for DTR with a decade of service on the Raleigh City Council. (not currently serving - that’s the problem). Donations accepted, but not required.


Zainab Baloch did a Reddit AMA on the r/Raleigh page today, give it a look to stay informed, and ask any questions you might have:


The N&O did a really great Q&A with all of the candidates running in each of the races. Here’s a link to the one for the mayoral candidates, but I would encourage folks to check out all of them.



I’ve been seeing a lot more Sullivan and Brittany signs around lately.

I loved the question/responses, ‘ Do you regularly ride a city bus?’


A resident’s political endorsements in Five Points. I believe this house was an early Airbnb, & was on hold for the entire City Council discussion & outcome.


Omg that’s awesome. I want one of those!

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YIMBYs vs NIMBYs nice little battle. Hopefully the NIMBY obstructionists gets shown the door.

NIMBY folk need to move to Wendell. They are so locked into maintaining the status quo.

I live in Wendell and we don’t want them there, either.


"Our Raleigh endorsements in four words: Down with the NIMBYs.

Under the control of this pining-for-the-past anti-development crew, the Raleigh City Council has been petty, short-sighted, and dysfunctional. The four NIMBYs seeking re-election—David Cox, Stef Mendell, Kay Crowder, and Russ Stephenson—need to go. (Dickie Thompson isn’t running again.)"


We were discussing a main library in another thread a while back, and during my research into mayoral candidates I discovered that Charles Frances wants to “build a destination public library downtown to be operated by the county library system.”

He’s not my first choice, but I found it interesting that this is on his priority list.