Raleigh Elections and Council Overall

I am more worried about those wanting to limit speech than those who speak out even if it is something that I am against personally.


Truth be told, I would hold my position if it were an hour of angry liberals wanting the Council to designate Raleigh as an abortion sanctuary city just as much as I do for these anti-abortion people. It’s not as much limiting free speech as it is limiting irrelevant speech. It’s all about context.


Ahhh… the crux of the matter is who gets to decide what is irrelevant?

City Council has 0% control over abortion. Therefore, it’s 100% irrelevant.


Wow. Totally not factual at all. Here is an example of some ways City Councils could limit (or simply do nothing which would allow) abortions.



This is from Stef’s weekly email. I think she’s still bitter :laughing:


I was JUST coming to this topic to post the same thing! So negative! :rofl:


So who wasn’t reappointed to the planning board :thinking: I wonder who it was ?

Fair. Still doesn’t change my mind that abortion activists - for or against- have any place at City Council meetings.

Stef… boo hoo :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Seriously wtf is wrong with her? Maybe she can book time to discuss abortion rights and scooters with the other cranks that show up to speak at the Council meetings. Yes, Stef, things are changing. That’s what we voted for. Let me point you in the direction of that door out you still haven’t managed to find.


I want to tell her to take me off her list to make a statement, but I don’t want @OakCityDylan to be able to beat me to posting them here. Decisions decisions.


I assure you the council would love to find a way to stop this activity. Just watch their faces when they have to listen to it. But, they haven’t figured out a way yet.

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I found this to be an interesting read.


Hopefully they’ll come nearer, but Strong Towns will indeed be returning to NC in the spring – to Winston-Salem, on 5 February. from 3-5 pm.

I suggested it to them weeks ago, as a matter of fact, but they evidently haven’t purchased any copies. Maybe if enough people make the same suggestion they’ll add it to the system?


Quiet honestly, I don’t like all the Commissions in Raleigh, and honestly it was a good idea to remove the CACs. While now we’re in a COVID-19 Crisis we are gonna open up at sometime. And I think some Commissions should be also replaced and folded. From the research I’ve don’t it looks like all major cities planning commissions. Milwaukee, Chicago, Seattle, New York. But the appearance Commission in my opinion needs to go. From the research I did on that not many if any cities do this. All I found were small North Carolina towns like Blowing Rock, and Moorhead City, Asheville, etc. Those small towns and cities with less than 100k people. So I think the appearance Commission should it slow towards building development, and I know for sure if Raleigh gets another Fortune 500 headquarters Downtown they waste time they need a building, they can waste how the building is gonna look in appearance. Now look before you blast or interrupt me or the NIMBY comes out of you for some fake YIMBYs on this page. I grew in Raleigh I was born and raised and I’ve wanted this city to be a big city (preferably Austin in my preference) with its own identify and when got interested into city government I was disgusted by the city restrictionimplied the black mayor years ago that was met to hold the city back. So before you say I don’t know anything Consider the Following.

Agreed. We basically have a GOP council that is limiting spending and approving anything any private entity wants to do with no checks at all. For all the folks happy to see private projects move, expect anything that resembles anything ‘progressive’ to come to a grinding halt, e.g. canceling the parks bond.

Are there any GOP on the city council? I am trying to wrap my head around that part of your comment…


Apologies for painting perhaps too wide of a brush. With what amounts to 4 political parties now (an obvious split within each major party makes the 4) its hard to label things. Our current council (sans Cox) have pretty obvious pro development/pro big business leanings. They ran on it even. This is one half of a typical GOP platform, the unshackled business side. They do lack any religious fundamentalism. 6/7 of them are squarely in the McCroy/Fetzer/Coble/Kane mold. Cox is a conservative Democrat and a ways off from any form of progressive democratic form. So there is nothing progressive (building a bunch of stuff isn’t progressive even if it has ground floor retail) in any of them and “Raleigh Unleashed” coming from 6 of them. I’m not sure half of this board fully gets what they are cheering for. Kane is doing good things for downtown but I think even he likes having a council that questions things and CACs to let him know what they think. Some stupid actions by previous council members (reducing Dillon by one story e.g., objecting to a 40 story tower because it is along your commute also) caused the pendulum to swing much too far in the other direction.

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Interesting view. Many active councilors and the mayor also ran on affordable housing, bike/ped improvements, and equality/equity. It’s not fair to judge their actions at this stage in the game, as it’s only been 5 months, 3 of which have been consumed with COVID. Although they are rapidly moving from an antiquated citizen input model to a digital one. They are specifically focusing on incentivizing all voices to be heard, including young voices that were absent in the CACs.
