Raleigh Elections and Council Overall

There are ZERO Republicans on Raleigh’s city council


Thank you very much for the link and information! :hugs:

I sincerely hope that the council (this study) is made aware of the number of it’s citizens whom have zero access to either the internet, computer, etc in regards to moving forward. Just my two cents :smile:


If there’s ever been a time when that divide was more strikingly clear than right now I can’t think of it.


The new Council is much more of a traditional liberal Democrat form than a Bernie Sanders-esque leftist or democratic socialist form, I agree with you there. Whether that’s a good thing or not is another matter entirely, and one I’m not willing to get into on here.


Affordable housing is still grossly inadequate and the bike/ped situation is as well. They use retiring bond capacity to squeeze in a little more of each here and there but don’t come close to keeping up with the expanding need. Same goes for the water and sewer systems and road maintenance. The capital improvement lists keep getting longer in each category because more gets added than addressed every cycle. Equality/equity? What exactly are you referring to?

Is all this just trying to say young kids need a digital interface to get their opinions across? Any chance this tilts this away from people not comfortable with technology? I don’t think the old ‘model’ was any more antiquated than say working in an office is. Turns out most people would work form home and in the office some given a choice and I think in person meetings (CACs) just need to be coupled with other means to participate and not eliminated. Technology isn’t the answer to everything. Also, how is input being incentivized? Free beer at Trophy? I’m not following there…

Not sure what the end goal is here, but I’m not too interested. Let’s allow the council and mayor’s record to speak for itself.


Really? That’s certainly not been the feedback I’ve been getting among my coworkers…

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I think it depends on if you have kids or not.

I thought it would be fine. But with kids in the house there are way too many distractions. That’s my personal experience at least.


There will clearly be a different mix among future work behaviors post Covid-19. I think it’s ridiculous to think that there will be an absolute abandonment of the workplace because of this virus, but I neither think that that the office will be occupied in the same manner as it was pre-Covid, nor do I believe that business will prioritize real estate in the same way. Some things that I think will happen are:

  1. More money will shift from RE to technology enablement for both distributed work and business resiliency.

  2. Companies will revise their work from home policies to include more personal choice than they previously had

  3. A greater number of people will work full time remotely than had before, and the increase will be much more than nominal. I don’t think that it’s unfathomable to see this eventually normalize, across all white collar industries, remote worker percentages above 35% on average.

  4. A greater percentage of the workplace will shift to amenity space and shared resources. I know that there is a natural inclination to presume that companies will eschew decades of workplace strategy and go back to private offices, but I doubt that this will happen beyond smaller companies and operations. I expect that narrative to be that, if you feel like you have to lock yourself away from everyone, you might as well work remotely from home. Plus, it’s silly to think that having a private office is going to eliminate risk when there are so many shared touchpoints in an office like restrooms, breakroom, conference rooms, etc.

  5. Priority of workplaces will be for groups/roles that have a physical dependency on colleague and/or equipment collocation. Think hardware design/test engineering, lab administrators, controlled scientific research, etc. I know that there are those who think that companies will need to take down more space, but I think that they are more likely to dump space to channel more money to talent and growing business.


Every single person I have talked to about it (15-20 by now) has said the same thing. Even Ted F on here more or less said the same. Probably depends on your job, your personality and also the home situation.

After rereading the original post, I definitely misread haha, never mind - I’m in agreement with y’all :slight_smile:

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This isn’t exactly about the Council, but Raleigh’s planning department just recruited Durham’s Patrick Young as its new head!


Been working in Durham but living in Raleigh since 1999. Though it’s not everything to consider, I’m sure that he’ll be happy to shorten his commute, in addition to working to better his actual home town.

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Pat absolutely gets it and should do a fantastic job.

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Livable Raleigh is pushing this:

Please no.

Should we start a petition for her to NOT be selected?


It would be the perfect reality show sort of outcome… :slightly_frowning_face:

I’ll sign it…

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Hells to the No!!!’

@R-Dub is saying he’d sign the one for her to NOT be selected.

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