Raleigh’s Climate Action

Aaaaand we will now soon have an E-Bike voucher program!



Nice update on our city’s Climate Action Plan from this week’s council meeting.


This program is being run by the city’s sustainability office and should roll out in Spring 2024.

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As most of you probably already know, the issue of climate change is a local and global issue. Climate change will almost always be an issue even if/when politicians (state and federal) decide to act on what we already know.

The Infrastructure and Inflation Reduction Acts are a good start but to then approve of more fossil fuel projects than Trump behind the scenes is ridiculous.

Here’s a video of a local scientist discussing our current situation:

The following are events already occurring:

There are more videos but there is no guarantee that these events won’t happen here locally in the coming months or years.


Yes, the Earth’s climate has always changed naturally but when it did 10,000 and 20,000 years ago our species almost went extinct. Earth of course will be perfectly fine in a few thousand years but whether we’ll be able to survive the “return back to normal” is what’s questionable.

Also the rate of natural change took decade’s verses today our changes are causing the climate to change within roughly 3-5 years or so.


I never understood that energy-efficient argument. If it’s a new building with an entirely new use-case, sure, but demolishing/replacing one building for the sake of building an entirely new ‘energy-efficient’ building just never made sense to me. The energy/resources spent building it greatly outweighs any potential energy-savings.

Most people won’t believe this because as a society we’ve been conditioned to at this point, but…this whole carbon tax/climate change industry is one of the biggest lies we’ve ever been sold, and by the time most American’s realize that these types of policies (Paris Agreement) make no sense and are speeding up the (already-rapid) destruction of our economy, it’ll probably be too late to dig ourselves out of the hole that we’re currently creating.


If you wanted to be taken seriously you really shot yourself in the foot there in part 2, champ.


Most people won’t believe this because as a society we’ve been conditioned to at this point

You’re only proving what I meant by this line with that statement. Productive conversations on this topic can’t even be had in a public forum anymore because the topic of climate change has become so heavily politicized and one-sided over the last couple of decades, and frankly it’s tiring to even talk about it.

I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Just giving another perspective. It’s up to you to do your own research and come to your own conclusion. Most people never do that though, as a society we just blindly accept whatever we’re told by those in authority. Which is how we got here in the first place.


How will it destroy our economy? By what measure is our economy “already” being rapidly destroyed?


Here come the pitchforks! This forum is way to righteous to let you get away with that comment. I’m driving my morality filled Prius far away from this thread.


sigh ok… Firstly, that video clearly makes apparent what a clueless idiot that dude (Massie) is.

Second, “Climate Change” is very much real. The Climate is, and has been, changing over the course of our lifetime. More rapidly in recent years. The debate is not over whether or not the climate is changing (it’s very clearly observably changing lmao - you can physically witness it with your own eyes and uhhh skin) - the debate is over whether or not humans have been a major factor in rapidly increasing the change.

Perhaps this will help:


I get it, these things that you’ve heard on Fox News and Joe Rogan really showcase your unique and renegade thinking. Especially compared to us poor sheep. I guess the George Soros/Lizard People/Bill Gates/[insert boogie-man] funded conspiracy has just got its hooks too deep.

Moving on.


This is what Brooklyn looks like right now. I’m not going to say anything else.

This is not a topic where “research” can lead you to one of several valid conclusions. There is only one truth: the global scientific consensus that climate change is caused by human activity. It’s not up for debate. There’s nothing to “believe” in; you understand it or you don’t.

If you want to be pedantic, then yes, the Earth experiences a natural, cyclical “climate change” that occurs on a scale of millions of years. But you know that this is not what we are referring to. Humans have taken carbon that was sequestered into the ground and released it into the atmosphere in enormous quantities which greatly accelerates the natural timeline and directly causes the anomalies in our weather and climate that we so often hear about. Hard evidence pinpoints the start of this shift directly to the industrial revolution.

There is no ulterior motive. This is hard science.


Some people don’t seem to believe in scientific research… but agree that the Earth isn’t flat and that gravity exists :thinking:

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I’m sure these clips never make it to CNN or Fox News though.

I don’t subscribe to any particular belief or political party. And lmao that you think that I get my views from Joe Rogan. I guess most normies would think that, though. But yeah, let’s move on. These roundabout arguments/discussions never get us anywhere, because everyone’s stuck in their own belief system, and challenging the science that someone believes in is almost like challenging their God in 2023. Rarely does one question what they themselves believe in, because if they do…that means they’ll have to admit that everything they know/thought they knew was wrong.


A group of bought-and-paid-for scientists agreeing on something doesn’t make it true. Look at 2020, the pandemic and everything that came along w/ it for reference. Most people agree/believe that dinosaurs existed thousands of years ago…But that doesn’t make it true.

The sad reality is that the ‘truth’ can be shaped and molded into whatever those in power want it to be. That’s how propaganda works. It’s up to you to either see through it or blindly go along with it.

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A singular truth (aka the reality we all live and breath every day) is not propaganda. But I commend whoever you are basing your alternate reality on, on effectively propagandizing you, very well done.


You’re right, that isn’t true… it’s more like hundreds of millions of years ago lmao. You keep using the word “belief” for things that are objectively, scientifically correct though. You might want to rethink that word!


It’s perplexing to view the history of the planet from millions of years (instead of the 1950s) and the inability for CO2 and temperature to synchronize.