Raleigh Stadium/Arena/Sports Discussions

NC State in 2023 was ranked 18th in the country with 13,253 per game. They do better than most people think.


NC State won’t give it up but ill promote nice competition between NCSU and PNC.

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The arena is the size it is because of the partnership with and the requirements of the NHL after the Centennial Authority shaped the direction of the arena into a multi-use one from the original vision of it just being for basketball. Even if NC State were to abandon it and go elsewhere, the arena would still be a multi-use facility for concerts, ice shows, monster truck shows, religious revivals, etc.
If this arena didn’t sit smack dab among other NC State assets, the idea of NC State moving on from it would be more likely. It’s just not going to happen.

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The mob by nc state would nice. Though competition between where the stadium should be which is PNC and NCSU area would put nice competition but I think big money would flow with that.

We (State) now use tickets sold for our attendance reporting. We used to report actual bodies in attendance until relatively recently. UNC has been counting tickets sold for decades for both football and basketball.

John is correct, State is not abandoning the PNC, even though the arena is currently a bit large for current Wolfpack hoops. In theory, it would be ideal to have a separate 13-15K arena for State hoops, especially to improve the home court advantage, but it makes zero sense financially and there is no viable locale close to campus. Centennial Campus is out of space for a large arena. Just not going to happen. State and the Hurricanes will both be in PNC for many years.

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I always that Reynolds Coliseum was the better place for the Wolf-Pack! Especially it’s surroundings :+1:t2:


Reynolds, what a barn to see ball in. The renovation is really good, and it works so well for the excellent women’s team - on tv it looks like the old magic is still there.


Reynolds was awesome back in the day. However, after the refurbish, Reynolds now only holds 5500. Too small for mens basketball, but they really did a nice job fixing up the coliseum. Great venue.


Still Moo-U. No on campus basketball or football.



I was at State when we won the 83 NCAA, and Reynolds was insane. I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything…but time has moved on. I too am happy to see the old barn suit another excellent basketball team from NC State.


LOL. UNC. Low testosterone wine and cheesers.


It’s gotten a lot better since they let the students near the floor. But hey, wine and cheese goes good with championships.


The City Council Yearly Retreat will be January 26 & the 27th. They will discuss soccer at the Saturday meeting.


Which it was about Major League Baseball in Raleigh.

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I don’t see why NC State wouldn’t be in support of that if it means their teams get to play there.

Valid point it the NIMBY shareholders.

Even Fayettnam has realized the value of Downtown sports & entertainment venues…….but the State Capital?…….don’t hold your breath.



Soccer as in MLS? Or downtown south stadium?

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I don’t know! I do know that Mayor Baldwin so wants a soccer stadium in Downtown South even with out MLS Team but she currently says that she does not have 5 council support members which is sad in my opinion.


Just my opinion here! I think that Mayor Baldwin wanted the council to meet the players playing for The NC Courage to create more interest for a stadium project. With the NCFC moving up to a AAA Soccer Class this year & also The NC Courage playing 26 home games, a 20,000 seat stadium plus concerts, etc. would be successful. Just my opinion!