Raleigh Stadium/Arena/Sports Discussions

I really like your reply ! Thanks !


I agree with this and am in favor of the stadium; however, I still donā€™t think this site is downtown-centric and wish they had chosen a more urban location. The whole proposal seems so fake since its creating a district out of nothing. Hopeful it still happens but just doesnā€™t seem as likely based on the scale of work required as opposed to something more simple.

For example, a new NHL arena at Smoky Hollow Phase 4 site (Wake GSA). All thatā€™s needed is the arena and its successful from an urban environment perspective from day 1. MLS at Penmarc probably wouldnā€™t have that feel for 10-15 years. Maybe 20?


I would love the arena at SmoHoFo, but even Kaneā€™s group said last week they have heard nothing from the county in an RFP on the GSA bldg in a while. I donā€™t see anything happening on that site for many years. I could be dead wrong.

Well, I mean, thatā€™s even better timing. Wonā€™t need a new arena for awhile anyway. Maybe in 15 years?

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Hard for me to think that far ahead. Iā€™ll be 10 years into retirement by then and likely broke. :money_mouth_face:


I would rather something get built on that dead zone, than wait 15 years for a Stadium that may or may not happen.


Fair, though even if this area becomes truly lively, it will be out of the way. Awesome to see it developed for sure.


With BRT and maybe one day a light rail from there to North Hills it could become very dense. Property is already starting to be accumulated and there are requests for rezones in the area. It could easily turn into the Raleigh version of South End which sprung up in Charlotte in about 5 years. They have their own sky line now.


You guys you guys you guysā€¦ So 15 days ago I posted this to this thread:

And then today, deMause posted this to his blog Field of Schemes (a follow-up to the book of the same name and go-to resource for all things related to public subsidies of sports stadiums):

You guys, Iā€™m totally fanboying out right now. :grinning:


Not surprising but gruesome realityā€¦

Or at least a write-off for billionaires.

Saw this article this morning. 50 NHL hockey players surveyedā€¦ not great for Raleigh :grimacing:


Yes, this player comment caught my eye ā€¦

ā€œCarolina. The arena is far out. Itā€™s in the middle of nowhere. Thereā€™s never anything going on.ā€


This is due in part because teams are staying in Cary and because most of the visiting teams are coming in from places where 7 miles into downtown is a long trip. Here it can be a 10-15 minute drive into downtown.
I donā€™t know if this is still the case but teams rarely come in early like they do on off days to other places because the practice facilities are so piss-poor here and the arena isnā€™t always available.
So they parachute in, head to Cary , head to the arena and head home or to the next site.


The visiting teams stay at the North Hills Renaissance Hotel, thereā€™s always the same group of guys standing out front trying to get autographs and playing cards signed. Iā€™m not sure if there is some agreement worked out with the rates or easy access to food options without needing to drive somewhere, but they should stay downtown.
I think the complaint is just the overall experience of busing the team out to what seams the middle of no where for the stadium. Also about the visiting locker rooms Iā€™ve played at the PNC numerous times, they are trash.


This is why DT Raleigh needs a marquis hotel property downtown for deep pocket visitors.


Wrong takeaway - This is why DT Raleigh needs an NHL arena.


I really wish they would not be spending all this money to ā€œupgrade the PNCā€ and just save it for an eventually new arena in downtown.


The visiting locker rooms being trash is a good thing. I realize that there are minimum standards that the NHL would deem acceptable, but ideally the visiting shower should consist of a fire hose with cold water.


You need BOTHā€¦A marquis hotel that can carry out of town guest and travelers also a sports arena in downtown so that folks can go all around DTR for dinner and nighttime activities. Bars and Restaurants would rake in the $$$$$ā€¦and whatever revenue the city gets.