You’re invited to join us for an information session on plans to relocate Red Hat Amphitheater. Staff from multiple City departments will host this free event in the lobby of Memorial Auditorium at the Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9.
There will be short presentations and opportunities to ask questions about:
Light refreshments will be offered, and free childcare will be provided by Raleigh Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources staff.
Free event parking will be available at the surface lots across from the performing arts center. You will need to walk through a metal detector and have your bag searched upon entering the building.
View the event listing with the latest information, FAQs, and agenda. This is also where you can submit your questions in advance.
Excited to hear more about the Strollway plans, this will probably end up being some sneaky critical bike/ped infrastructure to connect Downtown and Dix Park.
I will give it the City for at least trying to hold multiple informational sessions on said Red Hat ie South Street closure. Regardless of the outcome and regardless of the late hour of such outreach, they are doing outreach before potentially (or not) cracking the proverbial gavel.
It would be nice if they did that on other matters within the City. But I digress.
with that said, on a trip back to Brentwood several months ago I thought some of the mod-outs of old split foyers and split levels…even some of the early ranches on brentwood road looked kind of neat.
in watching some complaints about a year long closure of temporary red hat amp and economic impacts in dt raleigh, could you possibly shift ‘some’ events into Fayetteville st in the interim to mitigate alleged impacts? assuming the complaints at city council have merit.
I might be wrong but I thought the advantage to this whole plan of moving the site to a completely new parcel was to build new on the separate parcel to not shut down for a season, then open up the new venue and demolish the old one to then proceed with phase 2 (starting the convention center addition)
You can also leave a message that is made part of the minutes. You have until 5 pm today. To leave a public comment for the City Council, call 855-925-2801 and enter code 3362 . Voicemails are accepted between 5 p.m. Thursday and 5 p.m. Monday before a Tuesday Council meeting, and reviewed by City Council prior to the meeting. 1 per person per meeting.
I actually double stamped the double stamp thus calling and sending emails. I can’t be there in person as I will be having loads of fun traveling through RDU tomorrow. But I will be hoping that the double triple stamp thingie works and that the votes are there in favor of Red Hat.