Sites 2 & 3, Omni CC Hotel + Tower

Yes, funding is secured. This year will be mostly design and permitting, and construction should begin 2025.

I also think you’ll see many of the stalled projects start/restart mid/late 2024 and early 2025 if rates actually drop as projected.

2025 could be pretty exciting in Raleigh :building_construction:


I thought it was going to be 40 stories

We should be seeing Omni open in 2027, which is a year ahead what they had originally planned for the project when they sent out proposal requests before Covid.

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Always remember when you see or hear Raleigh speak, the (0) is silent! :wink: :rofl: :joy:
So in this case it will be 4 stories tall :exploding_head: :eggplant: something that the N&O would call a Towering presence!

Yeah which fk suck yep

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It don’t recall seeing where this was promised to be 40 stories (unless I missed something). The main requirement was that it had to have at least 500-550 rooms).

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40-story MAXIMUM. :wink:

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It’ll be taller and more active than the nothing it is now… :nerd_face:


Or better yet, I could park my car :blue_car: there and we can take turns. It will be like a work of modern art :wink::joy::rofl:
People will be shocked to see a different vehicle :red_car: on display on different days :wink::nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

1 acre lot with 550 rooms plus two stories of extra high ceiling floors for event space and services. It should eclipse all these value engineered 20 story towers at least.

Still can’t believe the city council is still endorsing our horrible zoning process designed by an anti-development city council that so far has done nothing but produce the same stout 20 story boxes.


Would you consider updating fire equipment to allow zoning for 60-80 story building.

From the looks of the renderings, we should be getting around 32 stories. Assuming each story is 11 feet tall and those 2 floors mentioned have 20 ft ceilings, that’s 350 feet. Pretty substantial to me.


Did the floor count increase from the originally stated 27 floors?

It looked to be 32 when I counted. I hadn’t seen anywhere that listed the number of stories

someone please get this man a 40 story building ASAP :joy:


It would be nice crack head


But if you get him one, he’s just gonna ask for another. Before you know it, we’ll find ourselves surrounded by tall buildings instead of parking lots. We’d lose that unique part of our culture!


We need 60-70 stories 40 is great but let’s go higher.

We also need the market for that kind of height, which we don’t have. No one is trying to build 70 story buildings and getting denied. Hell, we can’t even get people to build any of the 40 story towers that the local media keeps trying to scare NIMBYs with…


Only WRAL is stoking fear the other 2 networks ABC 11 and CBS17 aren’t. Channel 5’s audience is mostly older people