Smoky Hollow Park

Just because you don’t care, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter. #DontBeAKaren


That would be a Ken BTW, now I’m offended you misgendered me, you must be cancelled at all costs.

What I mean is it does not need a friggin name to get started, just get it going. The name can come whenever it’s done. Don’t hold off just for a stupid name. I don’t go to Dix park for its specific name, I go because of the dog park and the great views, it could be called the park for all I care.

We all just voted to increase our taxes to build these things so just get after it and build it already. Stop with the stupidity.

I would like to call it “mean Keita park”, or even better, sell the naming rights and let’s make a little cash back to give out free ice cream on the weekends to the kids.

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Is the park even funded? I thought the current talk about design was all that was funded, just the design.

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I will say again that I think the council should get money from developers who get zoning changes to fund this park and other projects that will enhance our downtown. Miami Beach literally got an entire new park out of a developer in exchange for rezoning a condo tower site, and that park was completed before the tower even came out of the ground.


The name has nothing to do with the schedule.


According to the presentation yesterday, the 2 million for design was funded from the 2014 bond, something like 12.5 million for most of the park (remediation, greenway, berms, creek daylighting) is funded by the recently passed bond, and they need an additional 2 million to put in the rest of the fancy park features. That is where they’re looking for alternative funding, but they have like 2 years to find it.


Well they already approved the name Smoky Hollow Park yesterday, so that’s done. Nothing is being held up. Now why it’s taking 2 years to get started, I don’t really know. I think much of it is for the details of the actual design and then the remediation investigation so they know how to do the remediation effectively.

If I had a spare 2 million to finish up the funding, I’d donate it to get it named in my honor. GucciLittlePark


Just imagine if, in the last 3 years, rezoned property owners kicked in funding for the park and other desired municipal projects as part of their deal with the city. We’d have that 2M and more.


What, and get Raleigh dragged into to a trademark lawsuit with The Gucci’s? Have you seen the movie? :upside_down_face:

Maybe Gucci will sponsor it instead, since I sadly don’t have a spare 2 million. They can build their first Raleigh store in the adjacent West St development that’s been proposed. Gucci everything!


No, no, no! Put a Gucci pop-up store in a kiosk in the park! :pig2: :gem:


A reminder that part of the reason cities like Miami and NYC can get big concessions like that is their stratospheric downtown housing prices mean it pencils out. Something like that in Raleigh would likely be more lowkey by necessity.

Gosh what did TikTok do to you. Care about kids yes, but they like that too. Maybe you’re just not in my generation.

Perhaps there could be some kind of plaque, or display of some sort, that talks about the history of Smoky Hollow. Ya know, to clear up any confusion about it being named after a neighboring development for those unaware. :bulb:

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“This here park, was paid for by taxpayers and named for the benevolent developer across the street. No other history exists.” -the plaque, probably


Exactly my point indeed

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Developers aren’t starving charging downtown Raleigh rents on new construction. We don’t need a single developer to give us a park if we get some spare change out of each one of them that’s requesting a rezoning. Have them contribute to the kitty and let them collectively give back to the community that they are building by providing better experiences for their tenants. IMO, this is a win/win because improved experiences keep tenants where they are as satisfied customers.


And puts skin in the game

Presumably that’s what the increased taxes from the new density are for?

If those taxes weren’t having to subsidize all of the low density infrastructure around the city as it ages, I’d agree with you.