Street connectivity in downtown

To be fair, the Netherlands have an absolutely enormous commuter cycling community, their cities are more compact, and the country is flat. It makes total sense for a country like that to prioritize bike lanes. While I think that we can increase cycling in Raleigh, I’ll bet everything that I own that we will never match the cycling demand of cities in the Netherlands. There are more bikes than people in The Netherlands, and 13.5 million of their 17 million population are cyclists. NL even pays you to commute by bike through tax credits. I just don’t think that mimicking what they do is the proper model for a city like Raleigh.
To be clear, I’m a cyclist. I own two bikes and subscribe to bike share. I ride a bike nearly every day of my life. I ride my bike every year from Miami to Key West, FL. I am not an anti-cyclist. I want infrastructure. I just don’t want it to be over-provided vis-a-vis the demands of other infrastructure, especially for pedestrians.


That’s a 3-4 hour drive… :shocked: