Foundation piling has started. I think.*
Has anyone seen a design for the hotel portion yet?
I don’t think anything is public yet. Or at least it hasn’t been shared here.
Ugh, classic downtown Raleigh, just a place for cranes and not people, am I right?
This will make 5 cranes in Downtown proper at one time, correct?
This one, Seaboard, Platform, Chick-fil-A Hotel, and 400H. Yep! Wonder what else will be getting started soon.
It’s looking like RUS Bus might be the next one. But probably not for a couple months after demolition and grading.
Or 320 W. South if they can stick to their ambitious permitting timeline.
I love how the Chic-Fila hotel nickname stuck!!
Still looks better the Downtown Raleigh Airport Marriott and Conference Center.
Lol that’s all Kim and I ever refer to it as. I didn’t even think about it
Who is Kim? Are you cheating on @GucciLittlePenguin ???
It’s weird, but we don’t actually call each other that in real life! Lol
maybe something akin to carriage house at 116 st marys.
Don’t get excited, seems they’re just upgrading equipment.
A few updated angles. Tower base ready to go it looks. Maybe this weekend? Also good progress on foundation work already.