The Fairweather and other condos on S. Harrington

Thank you for that info. In your opinion, will a piece of this land be removed? Maybe taking the corner off?

So far as I know, the DOT has already taken all the land they need, but I havenā€™t spoken with anyone about it since the case settled in 2017.

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Somewhat of a random thought and mostly useless. With the Kane Peace cranes down, FNB wrapping up and future construction projects a few months out from starting, I think weā€™ll have a period of time where the Fairweather crane will be the only one erect downtown. Granted it wonā€™t be very tall (150ā€™ maybe?). I wonder how many weā€™ll have by yearā€™s end?


All for more erections.


There is probably a better thread for this, but in the vicinity of Fair-weather is this

Weā€™re tracking that project here.

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Looks like the rezoning here is going to hit the Central CAC meeting on Monday April 1. Lots of other DT rezonings will be presented as well.

Presentation: Rezoning Case Z-8-19
(Location: 505 S. West St, 401 W
Cabarrus St, & 510 S. Harrington St)
Existing Zoning: DX-5-UL
Requested Zoning: DX-12-UL- CU
CAC VOTE See map below


Iā€™m guessing future residents arenā€™t able to participate in this. :smirk:

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Exactly. Only current residents have a say in all matters present and future. #sarcasm


Oh, thatā€™s a good point.

In fact, it should only be original Raleigh residents. From the 1700s. So lets start digging them up.


Hereā€™s a new article from the N&O about the impact of design on The Fairweather (and a building in Durham):

I hadnā€™t seen those renderings before, so that was neat!


Love that article! Info I hadnā€™t read/heard before. Thanks for sharing!

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Earlier a few of us noted that there is no verification of addresses (at least not at mine) so Iā€™d say just show up and see if they let you speak and vote.

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I noticed that at our CAC as well. Hell, the Kane reps probably could have raised their hand and voted and nobody would have noticed.

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Kudos for a high bar. Thatā€™s only 8 years worth of people.

I think this is the right thread for this though it may need to be split or at least title changed based on the info I got last night from the Central CAC meeting. Rough notes below:

3 parcels adding up to .61 acres, from DX-5 > DX-12
Condition would be no rooftop common area to be open between midnight-6a (based on last community meeting feedback about existing noise)
This is the second presentation by this applicant if that wasnā€™t obvious from the previous note
Hotel could be use
Most likely condos possible combo condo/boutique hotel, more likely hotel based on property value and parking challenges
Zero questions to the applicant except a comment about consideration of affordable housing
Now long discussion about affordable housing
Existing owner, the Urban Ministries asked to sell based on land value
Going to vote: request to amend approval vote to disallow any rooftop amenity was denied
17 yes, 9 no (Iā€™m pretty sure a non-resident ended up voting in this but who knows??)

Given Iā€™m a current resident of North Central CAC and wonā€™t be a resident of the Central CAC for well over a year I was in attendance simply to observe and did NOT vote.


I think itā€™s finally happening!


Glorious! Even caught a shooting star in your shot. (ok a plane, but cool effect).


Not only have they started digging at the Fairweather, theyā€™ve offloaded another earth mover at the Sam Jones BBQ site. It could also be for Fairweather but interesting nonetheless.