The Metropolitan Apartments / Quorum Center

I don’t know if it’s the June light or what but looked up and the Quorum Center looked fresh this morning. Hoping for a happy move in for those residents!


@rgmedd Is everyone moved back in at the Quorum? Things getting back to normal?

Most people have moved back in. There is still some construction going on and the commercial space will take another year or so. There’s also a lot of cleaning up left to do. But for the most part people are finally moving back in and getting their lives back in order!


Good to hear! Thanks for the update.


I was just reading that. I can’t figure out what the reporter keeps referring to the Metropolitan being damaged as the fire spread from Glenwood South, Metropolitan residents being displaced, and the Metropolitan finishing repairs. I’m like… that’s what caused the fire. It had no residents. And it wasn’t repaired, it wasn’t even done being built. It was torn down and construction started all over again.

Also amazing all that happened like a year earlier than the damage to the Quorum center was fixed.


Darn and I was about to allow my faith that reporters know what the um heck they are reporting about to be restored - LOL:rofl: Guess proof readers, editors, and research departments got left out of last budget.


WRAL consistently misses on details like that. I think I recall them misreporting the location of the fire when it first broke out also.


I’m an editor by trade, and reading WRAL articles makes my head hurt. The writing is awful.

The article is technically correct, but it’s so poorly written that someone unfamiliar with the situation has no idea what actually happened.

Edit: there is an inconsistency regarding “people at the Metropolitan,” but it is a direct quote from a Cline Design rep.


Right! I’ve gotten used to the fact that web news no longer has anyone check for typos or incorrect grammar, homophones, etc. It’s far more frustrating to read something that is unintentionally misleading due to lazy investigation or writing. The woman writing this basically was like “Oh yeah, it was over by Glenwood South, that party area. I wonder which buildings were affected. Let me get one quote from this guy, and run with it.” Almost as bad as the stories where someone gets shot, no one in custody, more details later…which is then a quote by the police saying someone got shot and no one is in custody. Sometimes I feel like I should freelance as a WRAL or N&O reporter.

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Ah, good old WRAL having really know clue what is actually going on.

Anybody aware of updates to this potential project?

Which project are you referring to?

Asked the site agent this summer what the status was. They said they are expecting to make an announcement early next year.

(League of Municipalities site at 215 N Dawson)


Based on what the Reynolds have done so far, I am hopeful this will have different/better/more interesting architecture than the standard, plain glass curtain wall look that is the majority of the stuff here.

By the way, don’t think Reynolds has anything to do with the League of Municipalities project unless they get selected from the RFP process.

The word I head was they stopped repairing damage on the David Reynolds building because they were looking into developing it larger (its a pretty new building as it is, like 2000 IIRC). Not sure how the partnership is arranged here though so I say that in hope they have some influence on the final product and are not just providing financing or are an investor along with having a contributing parcel.

The whole half of the block (~2 acres) is owned by NC League of Municipalities. Everything will be torn down for the new development. Developer/Contractor/Designers to be determined/announced.

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I wish they’d get going. That whole area is such an eyesore, especially after the fire

Did anyone say Smoky Hollow Phase V??