VeLa Longview - 220 East Morgan St - Marbles Parking lot

:hugs::rainbow::sunny: Nope, nothing :sunny::rainbow::hugs:



yikes and thank you! Maybe one day LOL

For future reference, if there is movement on any project, it’ll show up in the form of mass comments in this forum. Won’t be hard to miss. :grin:


I just got baited

Marbles is getting some roof work done :melting_face:


Yeah I would be surprised if any high rise project starts up in the last days of 2024. It’s been a holding period year for sure.

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Uhh sooo what’s going on?

Edit: @JonathanMelton Are you aware of what’s going on?


No, last I heard (over a year ago) they were waiting for a better financial climate (like many projects).


I was reading this from their (ASR-0094-2022 Vela Longview Apartments)
I wonder if they have done anything to keep it from expiring?

EXPIRATION DATES: The expiration provisions of UDO Section 10.2.8 E, including the ability to
request extensions in the expiration date, apply to this site plan. If significant
construction has not taken place on a project after administrative site review
approval, that approval may expire and be declared void, requiring re-approval before
permits may be issued. To avoid allowing this plan approval to expire the following
must take place by the following dates:
3-Year Expiration Date: May 10, 2026
Obtain a valid building permit for the total area of the project, or a phase of the
4-Year Completion Date:
Within four years after issuance of the first building permit for the site plan, the
construction of the entire site plan must be completed unless an applicant has
been granted vested rights. Failure to complete construction within this specified
time frame shall automatically void the approved site plan for which no building
permits have been issued.
I hereby certify this administrative decision.
Staff Coordinator: Rachel Smith

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Just re-reviewed the PDF for this project and I sincerely hope that it gets built as it is a really good use for this unusual plot of land. It would really help visually expand the DTR skyline. :crossed_fingers: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Vela Nashville project broke ground Oct, 2024 and the Phoenix one started earlier. Charlotte one got upgraded to 36 floors but has yet to start so really one the Raleigh project is yet to get any update in more than a year.


East side of downtown continues to struggle with major investments…wonder why?

You can share similar articles like that across most downtowns, but doesn’t stop other cities from building.


Crime is really not Raleigh’s big issue compared to other cities.


They actually raised the Charlotte one to 38 floors.


I can’t help but wonder if Raleigh’s restrictive and arbitrary building height regulations are causing further delays for this project. Perhaps they believe the structure needs more apartments than 30 stories can accommodate, but since that’s the cap, they’re stuck waiting for higher rents or a complete redesign.

Raleigh’s zoning policies were intentionally crafted to hinder development, and now we’re seeing the consequences. We should have done away with this system as soon as Cox and his allies left the city council.


Can you then explain whay ZERO projects of major scale have occurred on the East side while West Side, Cameron Village, 5 Points, Dix, Atlantic Ave/Iron Works continue to see major scale investment projects announced & actually start??

Anyone want to take a bet as to what caused this fire “@ 3:00 AM”??!

I’d throw our visibly thorny approval process in there. I don’t know if the planning and development staff is just completely understaffed but it seems like other cities’ projects get halfway finished in the same time it takes one of ours to eek past approvals.


Almost all proposed developments on the west side of downtown have been stuck in limbo or completely canceled, just as they have been on the east side. You can’t give different reasonings to the same problem when there separated by a half mile, especially when the reasoning you believe to be true doesn’t even exist.

What the data says about crime in the U.S.

Violent crime is dropping fast in the U.S. — even if Americans don’t believe it

Most people think the U.S. crime rate is rising. They’re wrong.

What I will say though to bring this back on topic, I am tired of “rates” being blamed for a lack of development in Raleigh when this doesn’t seem to be an issue in many other fast growing metros. What I have come to realize is Raleigh is just a less attractive market to develop in with the current rates, or at least compared to other cities.

Rates themselves aren’t even high when viewing from a historical lens. If developers are not willing to build here unless rates are sub 3%, then they’ll never be building in Raleigh.


Old wiring (it’s an old house), insurance fraud, random chance - honestly I’d be willing to bet it was anything other than some random arsonist (who isn’t affiliated with the property or business) burnt it down for fun

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I gotta be honest… the whole thing is fishy as hell. The entire block, including the house, was and still is slated to be DEMOLISHED within a few years for redevelopment, so their time there was already limited with a future expiration date.

Then the place burns down just after the holiday season (aka likely the biggest money making time of their entire year with the pop-up Christmas bar), so now they’re going into what’s probably a business slump.

And within HOURS of this happening, a GoFundMe seeking $100,000 (read: ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) is established with the goal to REBUILD a decrepit old house that, again, was and would still be 100% most definitely demolished within a few years??? WTF??? Am I crazy or ???