No idea, but unfortunately you missed the scenic, rusty silo that was beautifying this view for years. they tore it down about a year ago or so.
Fantastic. Do it yesterday. Or better still, 10 years ago.
Awesome idea! I’ve always wished there were some park benches there too, we can sit and enjoy the view.
That’s what was different. I noticed that something had changed last year but couldn’t figure out what it was.
I had to look up the plans for the Jackson Street bridge in Atlanta. Looks to be a great road-diet/placemaking project.
Would love something like this for Boylan. I’ve been begging for benches there, so I can just chill and enjoy the views.
Highline/road hybrid. Hmm…I like it! After looking at Google maps, there’s a huge difference between the two streets: namely Boylan crosses rail tracks. I wonder how much say the railroad has in preventing a rebuild? I also measured the width of the two roads, and Boylan seems to be a bit narrower. However, there’s zero reason why we can’t at least narrow the lanes and widen the pedestrian zones on each side (especially the east facing side).
It’ll tie in nicely to our future dream greenway system over the railroad tracks