West End - Platform, Oldham & Worth - Development at W Cabarrus/S Saunders

No concession. Existing zoning (IX-7).

Had Boylan Heights HOA and Kane come to terms and the Planned Development been approved, it would have been 5 stories at the road and stepped up to 7.


What you don’t see in the photo are the houses directly across the street and to the left in the photo. The ones across the street are close to the sidewalk and small bungalows (one is a shotgun).

I love density and this is my neighborhood, but we already live in a valley (neighborhood is Rosengarten Park but could be called Boylan Bottoms). Any higher than this would feel pretty awful for my neighbors on Cabarrus, but I admit I’m biased.


Right but as @OakCityDylan states, that view immediately across from those houses could’ve just been 5 stories, with a taller tower in the background, huge set-back. Now, y’all are just gonna have a straight-up 7-story WALL across the street, and from the street level view, 7-stories immediately against the street vs 20 stories set back behind a 5 story building probably would have the same level of visibility - aka none. Is what it is now! But I do like how this angle @evan.j.bost shared shows how this really extends the city-scape further south!!!


Oh, I’m aware. I was not part of the contingent that was opposing it. But Kane didn’t really try to negotiate. Instead, they repeatedly threatened a boring 7-story box as the alternative. The features they did implement from the feedback are the setback and articulation, at least.

Some folks in opposition suggested adding height to other areas of the project in exchange for lower height closest to existing residences. But I think Kane realized they can make more money this way and going for rezoning on the other half of the property. I haven’t heard any plans for that yet, but it won’t surprise me.


View from the Union Station platform this morning.


Mmmm, look at that parking deck getting covered up!


Now THAT’S the kinda parking deck mural I prefer!



More of a Gamechanger than Seaboard revamp IMO


Building on the energy of the WD?


Adding residents in the warehouse district that are within easy biking walking distance to Dix Park, And in general just closer to the heart of the city


If the very heart of the city is the Capitol building, the two are about equal.

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Fair. But the momentum and hot spots all seem to be on this western corridor. This project feels like it will add to that, build on that, and extend it some.
I hope Seaboard is successful, but I am curious if folks will feel it is connected to SH and Glenwood, or if the road and tracks continue to be a barrier, if only physiological. If so, Seaboard will be relatively isolated, at least for now.


I’m curious about this too. Seaboard Station is the same distance from Smoky Hollow and the Person St corridor, and is maybe even slightly closer to the edge of SH, but I anticipate that most Seaboard residents will feel like Person St is more “their neck of the woods” than SH is. I’m betting that the less pleasant walk along a larger road and under an overpass will increase the psychological friction and the sensation of distance and effort to getting over to SH.


This is unquestionably correct, as some that lives right next to Seaboard. Widening the sidewalk and adding better lighting, especially under the railroad overpass, would help a ton. The steep hill down into the valley doesn’t help either - it’s a long walk back.

Also, at night it doesn’t feel terribly safe with the lack of foot traffic and empty state buildings, dark parking lots and the Shell station on either side. Even if there’s almost no actual crime, it feels like if something did happen, no one would come to help.


Yup! I used to live in the ECC apartments and we walked a TON. Always went south towards downtown or east towards Oakwood/Person St. Even crossing Peace to go to Seaboard didnt feel pedestrian friendly. We lived there 2 years and I can count on 1 hand the times we walked under the bridge.


The wider sidewalk experience under Capital Blvd has helped Seaboard feel more connected, but the legacy sidewalk under the railroad tracks to the east doesn’t help. Also, once east of those tracks, the area feels like a weird no man’s land with the gas station on the north of Peace and the weird collection of ugly state buildings and parking on the southside. Perhaps when Zimmer gets built, it will help, but the tracks sure seem to be psychological barrier to me. If the southside of Peace was repurposed into something that engaged the sidewalk and created an experience, it could be a game changer.
Personally, I am a walker in a big way and Seaboard never feels far away by my two feet. I typically walk to Ace Hardware when I need something, but it doesn’t mean that I like that entire corridor experience.


when is zimmer starting construction


Dragging this thread kicking and screaming back on topic.

Not a super exciting update, but we’ve been told that concrete pouring should be wrapping up soon and roofing will start on the first section by the end up this month. They’ll start putting in windows in September.