Instagram agrees with you. It also indicates Enloe High School, but I’m not sure if that’s right.
I think their mascot is an eagle, so yes that makes sense!
You got it, back of the football stadium facing the senior parking lot. I was dropping my kid off this morning.
Jogged past it today, State of Beer.
WHOAH what kind of bird is that?? So cool!
A Yardinal Bird (yellow cardinal). Official mascot of Yard House.
If anyone knows the real answer, please chime in…
It is found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The current global population of Gubernatrix cristata is between 1000 and 2000.
That explains why I haven’t seen any at my birdfeeder.
I was being sarcastic hahah
The bird in this particular photo (and the mural which is based on it) is actually a male northern cardinal with a genetic mutation. The yellow cardinals in South America look slightly different, with more black on its head.
Beautiful bird. I don’t where the picture was taken.
Death & Taxes
Or could be any of Ashley C’s establishments.
Yep, you got it. Characters
I live in Cary which is where the picture was taken.
Is there a rule against that or something??
I wondered when the suburb/Cary haters would comment, lol!