Maybe Key West, Cary?
I’m going with The Bend.
However did you guess that?!
Christmas miracle!
I think there may have been some cheating going on. I mean who could have taken that little plant and ever guessed where it was from??!!
I had dinner with the Guccis the other night and they told me that they pre-gamed at The Bend.
finally getting around to posting a new one since I guessed the last one correctly. This could be an easy one or a difficult one.
Next to Gold Residence Hall at NC State
Very close but no cigar. Try again. You’ve got this!
College of design steps up to Pullen Rd
I don’t have any good Raleigh photos, so someone else can go.
Clearly that’s 5 points. The real question is WHEN was this taken? I’d say in the 40s.
1954, it’s from this album:
There’s some cool old stuff in there if anyone is interested.
That makes sense. After I said 40s, I looked closer at the photo and one of the cars near the top did look like the 1950s to me. I figured I’d leave my original comment there and get appropriately corrected.
I do love that a round-a-bout isn’t a new idea for 5 Points.
It’s understandable. After all, you were pretty little back in the 1954…
I can almost imagine some group of “forward thinking citizens” deciding to scrap the roundabout and add wider roads and traffic lights to improve traffic speed. Progress!
Yeah, I was only about 12 years old back then.
That must be at the Platform. No one else has this hideous color in use in such abundance. My second guess would be the Skate Park Just because.