121 Fayetteville

Reading their website, and looking at the collateral that they present, I have to laugh at them claiming that their 25,000 ft2 floorplates are efficient. While not the worst that I’ve seen, that faceted facade does some funky things to the floorplate itself, and efficient is not the term that I’d use to describe it. Then again, in this age when losing is winning, I guess that they have every right to tell people what they are supposed to think and how they are to perceive it.


According to that rendering, it shows 34 floors? Very hard to see… :thinking:

And on a funny/sad note, they skipped the 13th floor! :rofl:


It’s 32 including the penthouse when you count the levels.

Looks like this was approved! Now let’s get building!

Some nice renderings I hadn’t seen before in here. Maybe just because I was too lazy to look.


The plans are too detailed for them not to build it, I suspect this one is really happening.


What is that total chicken scratch by the Notary. That is nothing like any style of writing I’ve ever seen. Can not even figure out what it is. :exploding_head:

219 feet taller than the PNC building, or am I looking at that wrong? Either way this will make a major difference in the skyline from all angles.

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I don’t think it’s taller…


Those are sea level measurements on the diagram, I believe. Note the numbers for the bottom floors.

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It’ll be roughly 415ft. Taller then Wells but shorter then BB&T. I think u were looking at the sea level elevation.


I just hope that color square ends up being jumbotron instead of art that’s bland like at the Dillon


Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering how a 34 story building could be 757ft tall. It’s been a long week lol :joy: :man_facepalming:

To be fair, the roof top height of the PNC Plaza tower is only 427 feet. The 111-foot spire is kinda of cheating.


I wish that was the true AGL height!


Excited to see this one take off. This will be a true skyline changer for DTR.

That’s always been a major pet peeve of mine. It should be occupiable space or roof line.

Skidoosh emojis :smile:

What does “Approved Pending Appeal” 1/21/21 mean exactly?
Next step building permit?

Sweet! We get a giant Josef Albers in the deal too.

Maybe they are waiting to see if the World can get past the 20th?