213 South Harrington / SE Corner of Hargett-Harrington / Former Goodwill building

I’m guessing pay stations or maybe a bike rack but who knows maybe they’ll build something on that little space so the landowner can tear it down and build a mini parking lot. It’s the circle of life.


Progressively smaller and smaller parking lots down to a microscopic level.


UGGHHHHHHHHH you’re right. And I bet @JosABanks is right, the small area to the left will be the pay station. GOD. :roll_eyes: :triumph:

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But why would they bother putting in a pay station in this day and age of paying for parking via app? Seems like a perfectly good waste of parking spaces. :roll_eyes:

Because, not everyone has iPhone or any phones for that matter…


Also, with my experience with the online pay, it is slow and generally does not work as well as a meter.

As I live across the street from this project, I’ll add that they actually repaired that retaining wall even before putting these sidewalks in. Now they seem to be building planting areas within the parking lot to be…


At least it won’t be an ugly gravel parking lot? :woman_shrugging:

Still, ugh

In case we needed more confirmation this is going to be a parking lot…


Seems like they are planning on it being a parking lot for a long time.
Damn squatters.

It makes me especially angry because the GCF building seemed to be in decent enough shape to house another business with a little upfit.

I know the GCF folks sold for their own interests (sad, because that location was always super busy), but it’s completely ridiculous that a perfectly good building that could have contributed an active use to this block is now a damn parking lot.


Hopefully we haven’t seen the last of GWI downtown?
My “larger” family is always donating to them in various places. Maybe include them in one of those new buildings? It would be ashamed to lose a real “needed” business in DTR. :cry:

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It was perfectly situated across from Place at the Table too.


This is officially a parking lot, complete with a small tree. It’s basically the lot that the Dillon replaced, reincarnated. I didn’t take a photo because I was too busy dodging other humans.


Highwood Properties: Low flat parking lots™️

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First official car to park in the new lot! What do I get??


What a minute. So they are not going to leave it like this. They paved the handicap parking spaces and the rest gravel.

Correct. It’s about as official and temporary as you can get.

If you spin out fast enough, you can get some rock dings!


Don’t think I wasn’t the first person to do donuts in the new parking lot.
:rofl: :racing_car:


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