301 Hillsborough / Raleigh Crossing

This made me LOL. Yes, that is how I post. :grimacing:

@Street_Grid Let me address a few things. I was just using an expression, I didn’t mean you live in a bubble. I just meant it’s a nice idea, but I don’t think it’s realistic. Sorry if my post seemed condescending or glib. My point was that I like the trees downtown, especially on Hillsborough. And as you mentioned, there’s 2 kind of big trees downtown: The ones by the street, and the ones inside lots. Unfortunately, a lot of the interior ones are overlooking parking lots and small buildings. If dense urban projects taking up a block or half block are getting built, there’s no way to save the trees in there. And I for one would rather seeing a 20 story building downtown than a parking lot with some nice old trees. As for the trees by the sidewalk, most of the sidewalks are narrow and being redone with new construction, and the buildings are going to be close to those new sidewalks. Even if big trees could somehow survive the digging up of the soil where their roots are, and the lack of light from the new building, they’d be smashed up against the side of the building, blocking windows and scraping against the glass. I just doubt many projects are going to keep the old trees; instead they’ll plant little trees that are useless except to break up the streetscape scenery. As far as Taverna Agora, I love what they did with that place, and the upstairs seating is great with the trees all around. But it’s still basically just adding rooftop seating to a small building. It’s not on the same scale as 301 Hillsborough. Again, I’m not anti-tree. I like what they add downtown. I just wouldn’t be hopeful regarding them in any project where they’re clearing out a large parcel of land.

My comments are often brief because I don’t expect people want to read an essay from me and because I’m usually posting from a phone. To show you that I didn’t mean to be dismissive, I actually got on my computer to type this reply back to you. :wink:


@GucciLittlePig Thank you for the reply. I was hoping that you weren’t being intentionally condescending (I think that phrase is a bit condescending by nature).

Anyway, I agree that a new 20-story building is definitely going to be a huge improvement on that lot. Would be nice if they save some of the trees on the street side of the sidewalk, but even if not it should be a great project. :beers:


I don’t think it’s necessarily a foregone conclusion that all of the curb-strip trees will be removed, or can even be removed. I don’t know all of the details, but I’d suspect that the actual property does include the land on which those oaks stand. The crepe myrtles are most likely history, but I can see the oaks being preserved if the city cared enough to do something about it. If they did, it would be an effort that I’d support.


According to the construction plan, there will likely be very few trees saved along Hillsborough Street (every X is a demolished tree or light pole). The document does state a “tree preservation plan will be provided prior to construction” so there is hope that a few large trees along the historic corridor will be preserved in some fashion.


They are actually keeping more than I had anticipated. I counted 5 trees total they are planning on keeping on Hillsborough St. Especially the main large ones on each corner of Hillsborough St. are staying


Damn, am I the only one that hates this? The glass looks nice but my god the absolutely MASSIVE parking pedestal just sticks out like a sore thumb- and in some parts even resembles the Wake County jailhouse next to our Justice Center (notably the Morgan x Harrington corner). The almost-matching height of the “3” “towers” essentially make it look like one GIANT box (a bigger box than Raleigh has ever seen). And speaking of height- I think they’re being extremely generous and exaggerating how tall these will look by a huge margin, here. They’ll be a few feet taller than the Hilton (the rendering makes them appear almost 100 ft taller). Man, that exposed parking pedestal is just a huge downer. The street experience will just be looking up at a wall of concrete down the entire block. I cannot be the only one that thinks the cons outweigh the pros by A LOT…?

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Regardless of whether or not the trees are saved, the visual approach to the Capitol is going to be forever changed because of this project. It’s going to narrow the visual field from a broadening horizon, with the distant focal point being the Capitol, to one where there’s a new focal point upon approaching from the west.

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Wreath the parking plinth with a vertical green wall. Use the space to make some oxygen.



I would absolutely love this and it would make me appreciate this project so much more, but it hasn’t happened with ANY parking deck built in Raleigh yet, and this one doesn’t seem to indicate it will be the first.

This should be the standard for parking decks.

Heck, with the right plantings, you can even incorporate advertising.


The city should be demanding this as a trade-off for zoning variance requests. Alas, they’ve already sunk all their cards into their unsustainable affordable housing scheme.


Or as some sort of trade-off for offering more than the minimum parking spaces or something like that.

I think these trees were planted in the 80’s along with the addition of the faux gas lights. That was back when they were trying to maintain the image of a boulevard lined with mansions but almost no actual mansions to go with that stuff. I guess the current plans have given up on that aspect and are full on trying for the connected office/glass style urban build out from One Glenwood to the Capitol. Its more implicit than explicit it seems. FWIW Blount Street’s Red Oaks and Fayetteville’s White Oaks are maturing nicely and make for nice walks too.


Ew. Sounds like a shopping mall name


Agreed, not a fan of the “new” name. :-1:

“trophy office space” :roll_eyes:

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I don’t care at all what they call it as long as they actually start it in September.


Lol exactly my thoughts.