My new view from secret err not secret bar that’s awesome across the street from 301. Aunty Betty’s
3D Render of Phase One.
Raleigh Crossing: Downtown vibes, OTB shopping plaza name
Thanks so much for the updates!
But OMG Parking Deck with some office as after-thought…?
Makes it look shorter?
But maybe that’s what there actually going for? I am so confused as to this visual???
Pretty much a parking diaper with an office for a hat.
Looks great to me!
Love this place. Was at aunty Betty’s Saturday night.
Thanks for the link! I wish they showed the full tower.
This project is in beast mode with the parking. Good golly…
It’s one pedestal for all three towers right ?
Y’all, I’ve been SAYING how much I hate this building. This new video only makes me hate it more.
F U G L Y.
@Jake they’ve doubled down on fugly. Here’s the prior design.
Like a former great leader said “You want your fugly, you can keep your fugly”.
(actually it’s not that bad, but hey).
The old proposal is not pretty, but I like it better than what they are going with now. I am glad for the density, but totally uninspired by the design, especially the hunk of parking.
The left half of the old design got an eastern bloc Chernobyl vibe. But we’re still at the point where we’re building to density. Once downtown reaches a critical mass we might get some better designed buildings as they try to stand out from the rest and court new tenants.
Hey, isn’t that what we (citizens of Raleigh) said 50 years ago?
Maybe but we never got the density. I don’t think most of us will be around to see that next phase. It’s a long time off in the future… when we’ll have flying cars and robot maids that are sassy.
Thank God for our appearance committee