Isn’t this first building only 19 floors?
It’s all the same height. 19 or 20 stories doesn’t matter
So a week later and basically just starting the next floor. Only thing of note is they have removed the temporary supports for the first floor.
Slowly rising, looks like they are working on the 4th floor now.
Thank you so much for this picture!
But, I would say that there currently “working-on” the 5th level/floor?
Yes I think that is correct. It is the 5th floor.
Well I hope CoronaChan doesn’t delay them moving on the other two towers for this complex.
Those were supposed to start this year, if I recall.
Likely will, at least timelines. Even this building is probably behind schedule. These large projects are so visible they have to be very careful with social distancing, or face the prospect of being shut down. While I was still working in the office, I noticed a drop in number of workers on site at any given time. Some projects are being put on hold and that could happen with a number of projects that are starting up around town.
OOppss, my mistake
I feel the progress on this has really came to a screeching halt since Covid.
We don’t have to feel. @TedF seems to have been monitoring the pace of this one. Seems to me it’s moving slow but steady.
I bike by it twice a week and it’s going strong. Pouring concrete floors just takes longer (compare timeline to FNB Tower)
I bet once they start putting up steel, it will fly (i.e. Two Hillsborough)
Sometimes I space out and then realize how fast these projects move.
I’m looking at this now and impressed that they’re already working on the 6th level of this massive concrete structure. When you look at it in person it just seems huge.
Like I said in another post, residential should stay hot in this area. Northerners that were planning to go sunbelt are stepping up their plans with the raging WuFlu - and downtown Raleigh is a top spot for these transplants.
I’d hope that the 2nd tower for 301H (the apartment tower) will start soon like the original plans called for. I could see them pausing on the hotel tower though.
From our windows on the south side of the Quorum we can see 3 projects: 301 H, Bloc 83 and Willard. All 3 are busy with activity. The crews arrive every morning at 7 am and they work late into the evening. It’s like watching ant hills… very exciting to watch!
Won’t be any. They tend to build these super structures as either poured concrete or steel not both.