Bloc 83 - One Glenwood, Two Hillsborough, and Phase 3

The devbot broke when scanning this so I’ll post this here and fix him tomorrow.


About 270 feet tall but jesus that it’s just a big parking deck. No one can complain about parking in DTR anymore.


18-story office tower, as expected. But hold on . . .

Not only does it include 6 levels of parking at the base, but they’re also expanding the Origin parking deck? All this despite the parking deck they just constructed across the street?

Where did I leave my pitchfork?

Plans and elevations, for the morbidly curious:


Who exactly is it that was complaining to begin with?

Ps abolish parking minimums


It says no parking minimums. Goes to show that even without parking minimums that parking would be built.

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For all the praise that we give Heritage over phase 1/2, they are the most aggressive over-builders of parking in town by a broad margin. I emailed Ryan Blair, their VP of development, over this question for the earlier phases, and his statement was to the effect that “Raleigh’s parking minimums are inadequate for this market.”

This is ridiculous. It’s time for Raleigh to adopt parking MAXIMUMS.


I’m not saying I agree with what he’s saying. But what if he’s a very literal and data driven person, and on paper these lease at a quicker rate than those with parking capacities. Would he be correct to think that?


TBJ piece on this just dropped, the rendering above is featured as well. Otherwise, not much new info other than the fact that work is slated to start in Q3 2022 and tenant interest has been increasing in recent months at phase 1/2.


Structured parking is very expensive to build. If developers didn’t think it was necessary they absolutely would not pay for it.

Heritage as a company and Blaire personally absolutely believe that the abundance of parking is one reason that bloc 83 has been successful. Like @Drew said, they are making these decisions based on data and market forces.

I don’t like huge parking decks either and think more should be done to screen them. But Raleigh’s public transportation is poor and downtown is small. If you don’t have enough parking your building won’t lease, and future buildings will go to the suburbs or planned developments like north hills.


Yeah, this is the point. Let the developer decide. Of course people would still build parking without the requirement but there would be less wasted space.

Tbf I missed the “no parking minimum” on the plan but saying that parking would still get built without the minimums so let’s keep the minimum misses the point.

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I 100% agree that their should not be parking minimums downtown. As you acknowledged, there isn’t one here.

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Sorry to nitpick, I am bored at work. There shouldn’t be parking minimums anywhere. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


I gotta LOL at the parking deck screening. Y’all remember the halfway decent/almost cool looking screening they put on the render for the stand-alone deck on the corner, vs what we actually got? haha yeah… this ain’t gonna look anywhere near what they’re BSing with this render.


I was thinking the same thing… :laughing: :man_facepalming:

What, this doesn’t look as cool? LOL (and this isn’t even the grey concrete wall behind the brick apartments on the other side…)


The ONLY thing I like about it is the glass covered stairwell on the corner. But it’s still lipstick on a pig. 301 Hillsborough/Pendo Tower pulled some similar BS. I’m at the point where I automatically assume the deck screening on any/all renders is complete BS and it’ll inevitably end up aggressively ugly and unfinished looking. Growing tired of all these exposed decks in Raleigh…


Yes, completely agree.

Y’all are going to cancel me for this one… I like it the renderings and I love the parking pedestal. And I think the parking decks on this block add to the urban fabric. When I go out to Glenwood South at night, I love the parking decks even more.

Please be advised, 90%+ of the 1 million people living in Wake County have to drive to reach downtown. How will anyone visit downtown without enough parking?


I think this is important to remember.

I know a lot of people on here a) prefer not to drive places and b) think that by not having parking, the public will suddenly all realize how necessary great public transit is, and it will happen.

The problem with that is a) this is not representative of the general public. Most people prefer driving to their destination and b) funding and planning for public transit takes a lot of time and political will, and often doesn’t work as intended. Meanwhile, people will continue to go to places with easy parking, like North Hills and the suburbs. This is detrimental to downtown, where many visitors already think parking is challenging.

I think the parking pedestals look ugly in most cases, but it’s a necessary evil and ultimately helps bring offices, residents, and visitors to downtown.


I agree completely.

I should have stated that the pedestals are a necessary evil. But they will be less intrusive with the increase in 15-20 story projects to obscure them.