Bring MLB To Raleigh

Gotta say… the “Raleigh Royals” has a nice ring to it :sunglasses:


Please correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that this wasn’t even a tax increase, just an extension of a current tax passed years ago that is set to sunset.
The fact that the Royals have offered 3 different proposals in 3 different downtown locations in the last year or so, with the latest proposed going in a developed area leading to a lot of displacement, and not even a definitive proposed design, really did the team no favors.


I’d say those are both equally correct ways of describing the proposal, but, yes, that’s correct, it would have extended an existing tax that will now expire instead. In theory that should have made it an easier lift politically. You’re also right that the Royals did a very poor job of winning over community support for a brand new stadium to replace Kauffman Stadium, which locals are pretty fond of, which probably canceled out some of their other advantages, like being able to piggyback onto goodwill for the Chiefs.

What’s fascinating is that the county executive who vetoed putting the proposal on the ballot (his veto was overturned) is a legendary former baseball player who spent his whole professional career in the Royals organization and whose number was retired by the franchise!


in a broader sense, has kc expanded less than 1 percent or so in a year? is that sluggish population growth compared to hotter markets? were their attendance numbers such that they would need a new stadium?

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Relocation could happen we should pitch to those cities like Kansas City.

Zero data to back this… but getting an existing team’s billionaire owner to buy into moving their massive investment to Raleigh seems like a bigger hurdle than having a billionaire who already believes in the city push for an expansion franchise when we know expansion is on the horizon.


It just looks I’ll be in the late 2020 early 2030s so this is good this means we have plenty of time to preparare. And for Dundon to get stadium funding because I doubt people are gonna pay for the stadium. With how referendums failed in Kansas City, Oakland and others it’s good he’ll have time to find investment firms to build the stadium for him. So this might be a good thing.

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You only need to convince 1 billionaire owner to relocate. You need to convince a couple dozen billionaire owners for expansion.


I think that I may have said this previously, but I think that relocation is probably Raleigh’s best chance for a MLB team. Over time, and as the Triangle continues to grow ever larger, Raleigh’s market potential will compel an owner to relocate a team like happened with the Whalers.


I decided to look at Big 4 teams by state with multiple cities just for fun. Going to ignore the states with a single large market (like Arizona and Massachusetts).

Missouri- 1 pro team per 1.55 million people
Pennsylvania- 1 per 1.85 million
Ohio- 1 per 1.96 million
Tennessee- 1 per 2.38 million
New York (didn’t count East Rutherford teams)- 1 per 2.45 million
Florida- 1 per 2.51 million
California- 1 per 2.59 million
North Carolina- 1 per 3.61 million
Texas- 1 per 3.81 million

I think in the coming decades demographics will force the hand for relocations of some pro teams in those top 3 states (and probably Buffalo as well). And it’s likely Texas and NC will be in line to capitalize when movement happens.


It’s good to have the data that proves that NC is underserved. I think that it’s something that everyone sort of knew but confirmation is good.


The challenge of beating Charlotte for the team would seem to increase in the relocation scenario.

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Charlotte’s biggest hurdle remains the same either way right? Finding funding for a stadium.

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Relocation looks more evitable either Dundon buys a team and relocated it here. Or the city start making offers to other teams with Dundon buys part of the relocated team is possible. And I wouldn’t throw this away but if there relocation Dundon could start a WNBA expansion franchise.


Relocation won’t happen. This is the usual game played by major sports owners. Rarely does it result in a team moving. KC is a healthy city overall…they will cave & give the owners a new stadium.

I personally will pass on the WNBA….terrible product. Women’s soccer….not so bad….but Raleigh can’t even get its shit together for a downtown soccer stadium……


WNBA is gonna ruse with Caitlin Clark I just look at it as a hangover while we wait MLB Raleigh. It very easy we’d fit like a glove since most hurdles are clear arena situation won’t be relevant it fall down to corporate and who will foot the franchise fee. That other NC city took NBA from us we could WNBA just like women’s soccer we got that they took MLS. The courage just needs a investor who will try to invest in the team help it get to the open cup and win someone who believes we can take away from the current MLS franchise (Cindy did it just a hint). I don’t believe I’ll happen just a thought.

I’m guessing on the move since there were 2 stadiums situation Tampa and Oakland. Now there 4 and they take years. But you have to realize people aren’t gonna pay tax dollars for a stadium the referendum is prove people are woke up and billionaire have to be leary.

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I don’t want a team in Raleigh (or NC) bad enough that I’d want to see anyone representing this region steal another fanbase’s team. Let’s earn a team the right way, one that we can be truly proud to root for without reservation.

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Not a Hurricanes fan?


Before my time here (and I already had an NHL team before I moved).

Well at any rate, like a third of current MLB teams are relocated from elsewhere. I think even today Brooklyn was home to the Dodgers longer than LA has been. Teams move with the people and money, and that doesn’t stay static over the course of a century.