Bring MLB To Raleigh




Let’s get back on topic.

I’ll start, this is an interesting and informative tweet from MLB Raleigh:


BASEBALL! Am I right folks? lmaooo


Hah, yeah that original tweet went viral because EVERYONE was clowning Corwin for not understanding that no one lives in the Rockies / Great Basin.

To his credit, he seemed friendly and legitimately shocked about how population density works in the replies - baseball certainly has plenty of good-natured boneheads.

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Triangle Business Journal: Triangle’s MLB franchise dreams rest on one man


** and MLB leaders **

  1. MLB plays 162 games in the regular season — 81 home games. Even a new 30,000-capacity baseball stadium (Tampa Bay Rays currently has the smallest MLB stadium with a capacity of 25,000) means there will be 2.4 million available seats on a given season, almost the same as the total population of the region. That math does not work. At a 50 percent capacity would mean every other person living in the Triangle must have gone to at least one game.

That isn’t how sports math works. You aren’t getting 2.4 million unique visitors, you are getting repeat business. It’s why St. Louis can get a million people more attending Card games than much bigger metros like Minneapolis or Phoenix or DC.


Yeah, the metric they’re likely most interested in is season tickets sold, right?

This is why MLB talk never happened here in Raleigh. The media is either being disingenuous with their data, or they simply don’t understand what they are looking at.

Either way, people read this stuff and regurgitate it, and it’s incorrect. This is why we created MLB Raleigh, to stop this nonsense (but as you can see, we still have some work to do.)

Furthermore, if you use his logic, St Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and KC wouldn’t be viable markets.



I can’t believe TBJ published that logic.

There are, what, 15,000+ Hurricanes season ticket plan holders of various flavors?


That wasn’t logic. It was stooopidity.

Like everyone only going to one game a year.

TBJ has to have some bias instead of looking at the data.

That guy is notorious for penning outlandish WTF type musings on lots of different topics he knows little about.

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Latest Biz Journal article, Bulls owner okay with Raleigh getting a major league team. Would not affect the Bulls negatively he believes.


Oh I’m so glad he’s ok with it, couldn’t have accepted an MLB team here without approval from the minor league team 30 mins away!!! (no sarcasm at all here)


For good measure, we may also need the approval of the Carolina Mudcats in Zebulon. Yes, more sarcasm.

Total TBJ clickbait story trying to stir controversy where there was never any.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Raleigh Stadium/Arena/Sports Discussions

The article did say that a minor league team cannot stop a major league team from coming to an area. And, MLB would help with a relocation of the minor league team if they need to be moved for the major league team.


Team name idea: Raleigh Wood.

Obviously plays off the Raleighwood branding. But also empahsizes the biggest natural feature of the area - the tree canopy. And doesn’t limit it to just Oaks or Pines. Baseball tie-in with wood also a term for a bat. A bit of a reference to the history of lumber industry of NC.