Bring MLB To Raleigh

Absolutely, positively 100 percent true. That would be the very least of our worries.


Bye bye Apple Campus that was supposed to start 2 years ago?

Just the state legislature…

This was responded to a few posts ago.

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100% agree. If we think HB2 hammered North Carolina economically, if this douchebag gets elected, the negative economic impact will be unprecedented. Can you imagine this moron meeting the Prime Minister of Japan?


Mark Robinson is bad news. And if he does something controversial it could put us in jeopardy.


Fixed. Mark Robinson is not a serious person let alone political candidate. He represents a very small minority of uneducated, bigoted, small minded people in a very diverse state of people. He absolutely, inarguably cannot be allowed to become governor. And it’s mind numbingly insane that we’ve even gotten to a point in our nation’s history that he’s even being allowed to run - not to mention become the front runner for his party. His lack of intellect, lack of decorum, lack of common DECENCY and respect for his fellow citizens is a damn disgrace to the entire country, not just NC.


I agree - but the exact same things were said about Trump in 2016, but look what happened.


You know this comment reminds me of an SNL skit with Dave Chapelle absolutely relates to this. But the Saturday after the 2016 election he hosted the show one skit was portraying election night watch party and in it he said, “It’s a historic night but don’t forget this is a big country”. That applies here this is a big state, later on a in the skit a man says after Kentucky won he said “well of course he won Kentucky, that where all the racists live”, and Dave said “all of them are in Kentucky”. That also applies here racist, and bigoted people don’t always live in the rural areas they could live in cities, and could be living in Raleigh. They too contribute to the total vote of the governors race even if Wake County voted blue those few red votes aren’t small peanuts. Especially if Josh Stein were to win Wake County with a small margin that could effect the race cause turnout was higher. My point is that don’t be fooled by the rural areas and the cities.

I don’t particularly like the guy but what troubles me even more is some of the perjoratives applied to those who will vote for him. It’s a binary choice mostly, vote for (or against) the less bad of two candidates. (I say that because I pretty much dislike and DEFINITELY distrust almost ALL politicians). But your comments sound tone deaf like Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” for people who voted for Trump.

We need to understand why people vote the way they do, not call them names because we disagree with them. C’mon, really? " uneducated, bigoted, small minded people."

But I’ll say this, the MOST troubling thing I read was " it’s mind numbingly insane that we’ve even gotten to a point in our nation’s history that he’s even being allowed to run ." I’m sorry, that’s just a little too TOTALITARIAN for me. We’re no better than him when speaking this way.

Not a fan here, and I can tell you’re wound up about him, but just vote, don’t trash what is likely 50% of the population that disagree with you.

Rant over!


Expect more of these radical fringe folks running for a long time. The country is headed to the deep end. I meet a Canadian women she says a lot of people want to live there.

Yeah ad hominem attacks against half the voting base of the country are usually a sign people have a very narrow friend group.

That said, wow has Robinson said some awful, awful things that will torpedo more than just the MLB relocation.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Excuse me for thinking that after nearly 250 years of our country’s existence, we might set some basic standards for who should be given the opportunity to govern us lmfao


Correct, which is exactly what Mark Robinson continues to do on a daily basis. I am speaking about Mark Robinson, himself. My folks are Republican yet they don’t talk like him, but that’s because they’re respectful, kind people. The current Republican party is almost two separate parties within one, all still voting along party lines while 2/3 of them hold their nose and close their eyes.


Hey @dtraleigh maybe we can move this into a politics thread.

I know there is a part of the MLB push that will involve politics, and it’s worth discussion, but I think this might be the wrong place to go deep-diving too much into the candidates and their supporters.

There is support for the MLB push from high levels of both parties. We’ll find out what that means in due time.

We, at MLB Raleigh, have done everything possible to keep this movement politically neutral in a world where everything is politicized. People of all walks of life love baseball and can be allies in this push. Baseball has been and still is a great uniter in America and we’re going to continue operating that way locally.


more hype!


Let’s get back on topic, but I agree with all of you guys. @dtraleigh


I barely follow this thread so thanks for the @. If posts are off topic, please use the flagging feature.


Excited to see the exhibit! I know they did a lot of deep-digging to find info on local baseball throughout the years.


I think it’s important to build a culture for a team, and reminding us of our past is a good step.