Bring MLB To Raleigh

The new President & CEO of the Canes (Brian Fork & Doug Warf) just had a joint press conference. Not surprising, but they confirmed that they will be involved in the effort to bring MLB to Raleigh


This is kinda sorta massive. #RaleighOnDeck


Huge. Also love that they are just specifically saying Raleigh now. Dundon’s original comments were more about NC in general and left Charlotte open.


@Deekay93 you beat me to it!

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The most important bit:

A potential baseball stadium would not be placed on the PNC Arena site.

“There’s really not room within those 80 acres to put a baseball stadium.”


So now it comes to the stadium placing they’ve confirmed it wont be at PNC arena. Now i’m think downtown south will be it. But now here comes the neighborhood folks, Livable Raleigh, and what could be a resistant city council. They will have a fight, while the zoning has been approved to built a stadium there they have a hard fight for public funding. Know you enemies, Tom Dundon @Loup20 Beware of the NIMBY Mafia ran by Tim Niles. Then you have Christina Jones, Mary Black, and Megan Patton and Jane Harrison who are junior varsity NIMBYs, and have been against downtown south from the beginning. And last but not least the biggest obstacle Black People lead by Carmen Cathuen who anti growth and those black people want the city to be quaint. So @Loup20 we got barriers.


That’s the bit that made me pay attention the most too. Would think they would at least still want it to be close enough to Downtown / PNC District /etc.

If Downtown South is one of the potential sites - it would probably push efforts to make South Saunders less of a mess.


MLB considering Raleigh is not like any rezoning. It will get the attention of the NCGA and they will shut down any attempt by NIMBYs to derail it. They have already done it with downtown Raleigh state properties. The state can do anything they want without city input.


I’m telling you, gridify downtown South.


That is interesting, I really thought making a mixed-use development with multiple sports facilities would be the most likely move.

Also interesting: “If relocation is on the table, then that’s absolutely something that Tom would be interested in,” Fork said.

Obviously the general effort has been there a while, but previously it seems like public comments revolved around expansion, and this is confirmation that relocation is also being considered.

I dislike the way teams try to leverage the threat of a move to get public subsidies and I always kind of hate it when a team leaves a market, but I’ll admit, I would be very excited for an MLB team however it got here.


That is surprising. I wonder if the State Fairgrounds could be an option?

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The state could fund it i’m not worried they wont its the city of Raleigh, i’m not even afrisf of Wake county funding it either. The enemy is the city of Raleigh honestly. The state could give its own land to Dundon the NCGA could be our best friends in this they help hurricanes come here without city support. There are ways around funding.

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If there’s a relocation maybe Milwaukee or Kansas City we get a team from that another loophole also.


The NCGA and Cooprr mentioned that also that probably be likely since a stadium has zoning there. Prison site isn’t being considered nor is the Moorehouse School either. The railyards not sure.

Ideal solution: the A’s Vegas stadium finally falls through for real, Fisher sells to Dundon, and I get to keep all of my hats and jerseys :sweat_smile:


char/s OMG :upside_down_face:


We have several chances of landing relocation teams. I’m tryna tell people how there tax dollars wont be affected.

Its close too falling through.

The A’s name sucks anyway.

Though Raleigh Athletics would be much better.

I bet they would change it though, like the Wailers.


I pay close attention to As situation. Lad Vegas isn’t balling well and Sacramento could fall through too. Dundon if these complicated situation last for the next year and John Fisher is forced to sell the team Dundon could buy it. And right now we have a lot of time to delve into stadium funding and location. Of course it’s in the early stages but right now we been blessed with situation because its delaying the expansion giving us ample time to get our bid together. .