CAM Block Redevelopment

Let’s keep this going over in the Affordable Housing thread, I have a thought/question I’d appreciate some thoughts on.


This rezoning case has been unanimously approved. Just watched it live.


Awesome are there others on the docket today?

The others will be at the late afternoon session. 7 PM I think.

Good news! Its interesting to see where the council places priority / emphasis for each project:
Inconsistent with Future Land Use Map :x:
Inconsistent with 2030 Comprehensive Plan :x:
Central CAC voted in favor :heavy_check_mark:
Historic Commission voted against :x:
Planning Commission recommended approval :heavy_check_mark:


I would say, looks like giving most weight to Planning Commission and showing a lot of flexibility on land use and comprehensive plans. After all they were created from 30,000 as planers say. Not sure where CAC falls, but hoping CC understands that the CAC votes are from a VERY small % of people in the CAC areas, so give them the weight they deserve.

Another point to note, I believe the planning commission takes the other 4 into consideration for their recommendation.

I wonder how much pressure the looming election is placing on the council. They don’t want to look like they’re standing in the way of progress.


I would think that they would want the voters to think that they are against fast uncontrolled growth. Probably more voters worried about that…

Interesting how these approvals are coming just ahead of the election. It makes me wonder if this community is having an impact and scaring them, even just a little bit. :thinking:


I hope they’re scared, but still not voting for them. Great news that this got approved! Any ideas when they might start any of the building?


The Protectionist members of the council aren’t being challenged by anyone pushing anti growth sentiments. Almost all of the challengers are pro growth, the only difference seems to be how fervent they are in their support and what conditions they wish to place on developers. It’s unlikely that council members being anti-growth at this juncture are going to gain any support by continuing to reject development, and the odds of them losing support seems to be slim as well because who are the anti-growth voters going to vote for? But maybe they can pull in some pro-growth supporters with their sudden embrace of a couple projects or at least blur the lines of distinction between them and their challengers.


Hardly anybody is pro-growth when it involves anything around their neighborhood and changing their life style. Most (but not all) of us in this room are the exception to that. I know of local candidates who have lost elections because voters thought they were allowing growth too fast, but I have yet to see any candidate lose an election because they were for slow growth. But maybe there are some around here that I am unaware of…

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I think there are several members in jeopardy of losing this time around because of their anti-growth policies. But we’ll see. Turning into enthusiasm into actual votes is hard than turning lead into gold.


This looks great! Every time I come back to check on DTR there are these neat new projects popping up! CAM and HQ are two fantastic Raleigh institutions, I’m happy to see them profiting off their assets.

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I was under the impression this rezoning was approved but I see it on the council agenda for Nov 6, under public hearing. :thinking:

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Looks like that was the Planning Commission approval?

Interesting it was inconsistent with FLUM and Comp Plan, but still got approval, yet South Saunders PD was denied.

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I wonder if it has to do with the 20story limit already being broken on that block. Even if that’s the case it seems like an odd inconsistency to me. Really hoping the S Saunders development somehow gets delayed until the new council is seated.


Crowder, Russ, and Branch strike again…


“Russ Stevens” :man_facepalming:

Apparently every new rezoning downtown needs affordable housing. Sigh… Just 3 more weeks.