CAM Block Redevelopment

@Francisco where are you seeing that they are proposing 980 residential units?

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Existing zoning has a max F.A.R. of 2.0? That seems crazy for this part of the cityā€¦ Iā€™m working on a building in downtown Carrboro, and the max is 4.0 thereā€¦


With the current multiple owner structure I wonder how realistic it is that they get this actually out of the ground. Anybody has some insights?

What does that mean?

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Floor area ratio. Itā€™s the ratio of the buildingā€™s gross floor area to the size of the lot and is a way of limiting urban density through zoning. So for an FAR of 2.0, if the lot is 10,000 sf, then the building can be up to 20,000 sf.


Planning commission recommends DX-40 rezone request approval. :clap:t3: :raised_hands:t3: :grin: :cityscape:


I think the rezoning was just approved by the city council! The sound on the stream is not working right during the vote.


This is going to Public Hearing on 2-4-20.


Ok now Iā€™m confused - @Francisco indicated that the CC approved this rezoning request, what is the Public Hearing for?

IDK, the audio on the stream was bad but they all voted on this project. For what now I donā€™t know.

Ah I see the stream cut off when this was discussed the approval was for a different case.

The only action taken on Tuesday for this was to move forward:

ā€œSigned conditions have been submitted and the City Council may set a date for a public hearing on this case. Alternatively, the request can be held or referred to committee for further review. If a hearing is authorized, staff recommends a hearing date of February 4, 2020.ā€

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N&O reporting about this rezoning going before Council tonight. I assume itā€™ll go thru but Iā€™ll be relieved to see it.


Passed! Is this the last step?


I hope so! It should be the last step other than routine site plan/building permit stuff, Iā€™d think. But I never really know. Good news at the very least!

Man Iā€™m lost on this one. Is this a single building (that could go as high as 40) or a complex? /toomuchgoingon

Hereā€™s an article on it. Itā€™s a group of buildings including CAM and HQ Raleigh.


City Council yesterday approved up to 40 stories for the future development at Martin St. / S. Harrington St. area . Per TBJ today .


Not exactly the worst thingā€¦

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" In return, developers offered conditions including the addition of affordable housing and provisions to maintain much of the historic facades and building materials and to include building setbacks. Affordable housing conditions target residents making 80 percent, 60 percent or 50 percent of the area median income for 15, 10, or 5 years, respectively."

Does Kane have to have affordable housing in his 35 story building, ā€œThe Walterā€?