For questions for each other and about this community, toss it in here. Also, a catch-all for anything else.
I’m curious as to how many people use the Discourse app vs the Web to access the site and if you do, do you have issues with it? (Or is it just me?)
Can you elaborate? I’d be happy to look into it. I used the app for awhile bit realized it just opens the same discourse experience in its built-in browser. To save a click, I just bookmarked the site and added it to my phone’s homepage. That has worked pretty solid ever since.
I’m Android BTW.
Sorry, I have never heard of the “Discourse” app?
I have always used the web and it works awesomely for me…
I am so old . . . school that I actually sit down at my desk top to access this site. I truly hate typing on my phone with my thumbs, especially since I learned to type properly at Martin Jr High!! I can’t spell with a dang, but I can crank out the prose!! Also, even with my glasses pictures are to small on my mobile device.
You need a bigger screen. I’ve got the S10+ and I couldn’t imagine using the phone my mom does. I’m like, how do you see anything?!
Fwiw I use my desktop pretty regularly. I prefer a nice big screen but mobility has its place too.
It’s really nothing that is specific to the site but has to do more with the app. For instance the title of the thread or discussion doesn’t always appear but if you scroll you can briefly see what it is. I’ve also somehow in the past been commenting on one thread and had it show up in another. I’m 100% sure this is due to something I did but I haven’t been able to recreate it.
All in all I like the app and use it for the majority of my site useage.
Discourse app on iOS unless I’m at work where I’ll usually have a Chrome tab open.
What I see on mobile is that the title fades out as I scroll up but comes back when I scroll down. Just part of the design I’m afraid.
Yeah like all things in life I just need to pay more attention to what I am doing.
The Meetup thread is @dtraleigh only so I’m guessing this is the next best place to socialize an interim meetup before an official meetup? Unfortunately I’ve been out of town for the first 2 and I would like to meet some of the crew on here. I’ll just go ahead and throw out a June 20th at 7p date. Maybe Wye Hill Kitchen given all the banter about that new establishment lately. Any interest?
How could we publicize meetup dates in a consistent place? Use
By no means does anyone need to wait for me to play host. However, I want the platform to help make those connections.
Let me know.
Also, I could do the 20th.
Makes sense to once we have a place/date.
I’ve never been to this site on mobile tbh, simply because I have no clue what my password is. So only desktop for me.
One person hearted my proposal for a meet up so I’ll withdraw my attempt for now. If anyone is around next week and just wants to grab a beer or something, msg me.
Raleigh is number 26…were losing rankings left and right commander.
That ranking is heavily skewed to large cities. Top 5 is NYC, Chicago, LA, San Fran and DC.
Well, I posted before I read the entire thing. But yes, LA being even near the top gave me a chuckle.
Any ranking is going to be dependent on the methodology and bias of the creator of it.
I have a Russian Imperial beer I want to trade with and also want to avoid the hassle of shipping. Any locals interested in a beer trade in-person? Message me.