Railroad: hold up don’t do anything with that land we need it for the railroad
Property owner: So you’re going to buy some of this land?
RR: No
PO: …and you’re not going to take it
RR: No we don’t have the money. But we need it
Hotel Developer: Ok I’ll buy it
PO: Ok sounds good
RR: That’s cool but just don’t do anything with it
HD: But I can make money building on it
RR: Yeah but if you build on it it’ll be too expensive for us to build on it
HD: You just said you weren’t going to buy it?
RR: We’re going to buy it to build on it, just later, as long as nobody else does. Anyways can’t you just put that hotel somewhere else
HD: No, I need land to build a hotel and this land was for sale
RR: No it wasn’t I called dibs on it and I’ve been doing all this work
HD: I can’t really help you that would cost me a lot of money
RR: you’re an asshole