I’m actually fine with this. Very much so actually.
Where did you find this?
My company was invited to bid on this today. We aren’t bidding, too large for our company. We typically don’t touch anything over 5 floors. It’s very early pricing mind you, mostly just design stages and working out budget. This could change drastically between now and when/if it gets built.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting. First impression is that I like it. Decent height, gets rid of surface parking. Interesting that they are going with office on the first floor.
That might be a misread on my part. I think these are hotel offices and offices for guest use etc.
Well we won’t ever be called a pretty city but at least we get rid of another surface lot. With a Feb 2020 proposal looks to break ground maybe at the end of 2020 or mid 2021. lol
Originally this building was also going to have offices from the existing baptist building. Wonder if that’s still the plan?
Raleigh will be the queen of both /r/SuburbanHell and /r/UrbanHell soon. Imagine tilting your head just slightly up and all you see is a sea of poorly disguised parking lots: that’s 2025 Downtown Raleigh. Haha.
What was originally planned for this space? Wasn’t there another hotel going here at one time? This is the spot next to McDonald’s.
20 characters of Woof.
I am not opposed to the parking plinth-style per sea, but this one just strikes me as extra ugly. A particular shame for such a visible lot on one of our most important thoroughfares. Ah, to have the capital or connections to be a developer myself. I’d give y’all a good looking town -building would have a fountain!!
This is probably the worst rendering I’ve seen for downtown. But then again it can’t be worse than Citrix building a parking garage larger than their building.
would be hard to make it more bland looking
pBeez, going to rename you fountain boy. Not that I have anything against an impressive fountain.
@scotchman at 54 I might prefer fountain man. Though either is better than water boy!!
Fifty shades of grey.
Resistance is futile…
I surprised by the tempered reactions on here. I easily think this is horrid.
I think we’re just becoming complacent with absolute garbage being proposed/developed. The parking decks are getting out of control.
I like it. I am not one of those people that thinks a parking has to look like anything other than a parking deck…