Downtown hotels

Although now that I look at the google street view, I don’t think the building on the left is old at all. :neutral_face:

Nashville is really impressive. That is a nice looking hotel. The Raleigh one, not so much.

Dedicated Thread, @dtraleigh?

The initial rendering actually appears more dated than the more recent rendering IMO. The original one reminds me of the Westin in Atlanta (1977)

At least the new one has some depth and cantilever to give a little textural interest.


I despise that material for urban structures. I don’t know when this started happening, but they keep using this for taller and taller structures. It doesn’t fit downtown, it fits on a 2-3 story hotel next to a Target and an Olive Garden.


Yep, looks like a 100% new build. Very impressive!

@mike @dtraleigh You’re talking about the little white one? You’re not going back far enough! It shows back up in 2016, before construction started. I was wondering if they’d preserved the facade and built behind it, but it looks like maybe it’s a reconstruction of what was there before, plus a new cornice and restoration of the ground level to its former glory.


Oh nice! My original statement stands!

I hear what you’re saying, and I really got a chuckle from your closing comment! :rofl:

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For the purpose of documenting the Dawson/Davie corner of the DTR future hotel block before any potential construction starts, here’s current happenings. Hopefully permits means progress!!


Looks like a budget airport hotel but there’s nothing of value there now, can’t complain.

Dude, there’s going to be historians 100-200 years from now using your aerials to document the history of Raleigh.


Think I’ll get credit? :rofl:

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Probably if you give these shots to NC Archives eventually with your real name and metadata.


The glass wouldn’t have been curved at all. They would have been all flat panels. Having that curved corner vs it being a 90 degree corner is only a difference of a couple thousand or so. Now that said, remove all of that curtain wall like they did and that’s a substantial savings.

It’s unfortunate that we have to settle for…“it’s better than what is there now”. No, I would rather wait until we get someone in there that has real design and purpose. We should have standards. I would rather wait a few years for real design than to have that bland, typical boring, out in the suburbs looking hotel for the rest of my lifetime.


With Raleigh’s city council you may never see anything built if you want it to have standards. This hotel has taken 5+ years to get a single piece of equipment on the lot.


Agreed. And it’s very unfortunate. We need to do something about this

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12 story hotel corner of Lenoir and South Wilmington st. 190 rooms on 6 levels, 4 levels of parking, 1 amenity level, and ground level office space. Construction start date proposed Feb. 2020


That deck is ugly but development is desperately needed in that area so bring it on.