Downtown hotels

I’m not surprised and think may see more projects put on hold, or just go silent. There are suddenly a whole lot of unknowns showing up in economy. COVID-19 may settle down in a month or two or we may be in this mess for a year or more. Hopes are there will be a vaccine within a year or will die out on it’s on: but no one knows.The Oil thing may be much longer lasting as demand was already dropping before COVID-19 showed up which will cause lot’s of loses in lot’s of areas. I moved lots of my investments to cash at start of last week.


Your source is solid.

If I was a developer I would take advantage of this little downturn. Lower interest rates and I am sure building material prices are also dropping. Once we hit summer, the only Corona we will all be talking about is the beer by the pool or at the beach.


Gotta wait until some of the contractors/crews currently hired wrap up those projects and start looking for something to work on next and can’t find anything.

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Walked the block over lunch.


This project has been on hold for what three years. Doesn’t surprise me.

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The depths they are going on this demolition makes me think they’re not turning this into a parking lot


Looks like they’re removing basements and below ground foundation. Not sure I’d get my hopes up based on the info I got, but I’ll be thrilled to be wrong!


This may be a good sign… Would the developer go through the hassle of building a temporary parking lot? They’ve had to raze this to bare Earth which means compaction testing, crusher run base, then asphalt. Anyone got insight on this?

It’s not a parking lot, it’s gonna be a hotel parking-less. I’m sure there maybe valet parking, nah not on McDowell to much heavy traffic and fast oncoming traffic that would cause a safety concern and head-on collisions and accidents. So not that but honesty just about every hotel in Downtown doesn’t have parking keep it that way. Take Transit, tourist are gonna rely on it. Also this need to join it or actually 3 hotels so yeah. Keep it that way along with other hotels and development.

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Demolition is done.


Looks like a perfect parking lot to me…


Boy you brain is twisted, this photo under the topic downtown hotels. Boy bye…

Park-ing lot! Park-ing lot!


In my view, every development starts as a parking lot. It could be for private cars or maybe it’s for backhoes and cranes. Either way, something is always “parked” there before the building goes up. :wink:


Yeah I’ve seen a few trees parked in under utilized places. Good thing we fix that on the regular.

I need a comment on the Willard thread so I can post more pics. :grin: Pls.

There’s a new bank sign posted at this property. We had on good authority that the financing was dropped/put on hold last month, but that seems to have changed. Looking further into this but we may have an active project here!


You know I park in the parking deck across the street and I saw that sign this morning and I was wondering if that was new. And it’s a good sign that they haven’t planted grass seed yet either…


Is this a Raleigh Bank? My first reaction is it must be the Bank of the Ozarks, lol. Or is it the Bank of Oz, K? :grin: