Downtown South development

I tend to think of Raleigh as similar to Austin. Lots of tech companies, state capital, inland. I suppose you could say that for a fair number or mid to large cities.

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We are all about to see what happens when the city calls Kane’s bluff. Who will blink first?
I suspect that there’s just too much money to be made for Kane to throw in the towel on this one. If he doesn’t execute on this plan, someone else will.


How the Planning Commission worded their denial makes me think they’re almost expecting Kane to come back with a new plan, too.

One of the commissioners mentioned in this week’s meeting that they’re getting ready to update the city’s Comprehensive Plan. The City’s long-range development wish list was originally made in 2009 with a horizon year of 2030. Since it takes a few years to get the data and figure out plan ideas, I think we’ll start to see more movements about a 2050 development plan in the next couple of years. If Kane wants to ensure that the spirit of Downtown South becomes a reality, I think that will be the next battleground.

Now that Kane, OneWake, and all of us are learning about just what it takes for the sausage to get made, I think long-range planning will become more important (and more controversial) than ever before. If Kane blinks first as John put it, we might buy time for the MLS/MLB arguments to mature more as well as for legit questions about master plan procedures and tax incentives to be answered. So I think this conversation can get a lot more interesting if the current DTS zoning change does not happen… :sunglasses: :popcorn:


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I looked at the city’s guide for how to fill out Planned Development Master Plans, and I think he’s already done the majority of the work for this already. Procedurally, it shouldn’t be too hard.

From the guide:

The real road block, then, comes from the first step of design thinking: stakeholder buy-in. Can Kane prove that he got enough input from local residents and seriously thought about what they had to say?

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Here goes guys . I may be completely wrong on this & I hope that I’m not wrong . I have been wrong many times & I have absolutely no inside information concerning next weeks DTSouth Council Meetings schedule for the 15th & 17th . I think that council will ok Mr. Kane’s rezoning request . I think this because of Mr. Kane’s December 31st Opportunity Zones Tax Deadline , So Many , over 2,000 support emails to council , for this project , Shaw University Support , LeVelle Moton & Friends Support , & The Many Raleigh Businesses that are listed on The DTSouth Home Page that supports this Project . I now have left myself wide open but I have decided to take this risk .


I’m afraid that if they approve it, it will just “feed the trolls” even more (“they approved it because he paid MAB’s campaign”, etc).
I think the deadline is just some bluff as others think here. If the CC doesn’t approve, I can bet it will be re-submitted quickly anyway.


Thanks @keita for summarizing that PC meeting. I’m not native English speaker so not easy for me to transcribe it.

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But why would that deadline matter? What you wrote doesn’t address anything in John’s idea that Kane is bluffing (or at least, how he probably doesn’t need Opportunity Zone incentives).

As for the other supporters, what do you think of the people who want Kane to re-submit with a more thorough application?

Are you a stakeholder in Kane Realty? Are you paid by a possible subcontractor? Unless you have ethical problems like those, I don’t understand why this is personally dangerous for you, so I have no idea what you’re saying.

I have heard & have read somewhere that for Mr. Kane to get years of tax help , the December 31st was the date that he had on buying the land ." The Opportunity Zones Tax Help " . No , I am not a part of Mr. Kane’s Team or a Sub-Contractor . My last statement was concerning me being dead wrong on my opinion . It seems to me that if the rezoning is approved , we would see a good plan that Mr. Kane has for this project .


Newsflash for OneWake!!!

Gentrification of South & Southeast Raleigh started years ago!!! That ship sailed…

With or without DTS, South Raleigh will be dramatically different in 3-4 more years. The African Americans who actually own their homes over there are not the ones complaining @ their property values skyrocketing…


You’re not wrong at all. What’s lost in the vortex of argument, I believe, is that the fault comes at the municipal and societal level where we gloss over those lost in the periphery. And, we live in a world of such differing realities that we can’t even get beyond our own hyperbole.

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Those “lost” don’t have a guaranteed right (nor should they) to live in the prime real estate Downtown. There are other areas these folks could live…that ARE more affordable. I am not guaranteed a right to not get priced out of my neighborhood…why should they?

I know this perspective sounds a bit harsh and perhaps it is…but as I just said; I am not guaranteed to not be priced out of where I live nor are anyone I know.


Again, I don’t disagree.
Equity is not a guarantee in my experience, but perhaps we could agree that it could be an aspiration…?
And again - I’m not saying the market should bow to anyone.
It’s worthwhile to consider where we give the helping hand, when, to whom and why…

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It is a great aspiration however you still end up making conscious decisions as to “who gets cut”…which in the case of most of these “shakedowns” by organizations such as OneWake is only window dressing that gives the appearance that the “poor’s” interests were really protected.

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I’m not talking or advocating for shakedowns and I do appreciate the wealth of opinions here, so thanks for continuing to illuminate yours.
I like to think that it’s helpful for public discourse to influence a more positive outcome, understanding that rarely can we truly accomplish any one goal through any one conversation with so many opposing views.
‘Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good’.
I accept that complaints rain loudest at times and rarely with thorough logic. I respect any given landowner to be able to move forward within the context of zoning conditions. I also accept that money moves mountains faster than nature, sometimes, and I do not believe the balance is always equal.

Uncle Jesse : Full House or Dukes of Hazard?


UncleJessie is a hard man, but he’s fair.


OneWake oughta just rename themselves OneDurham since they’re based there. So aggravating.


Some days I feel like both…

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Well, that would explain a lot.