Fayetteville Street Developments and Vitality

On a separate note, the doors are in place for access from the lobby to Sir Walter. They’ve also got String lights outside.


10 posts were split to a new topic: GoRaleigh Bus Station

My recent biking outings have taken me downtown quite a bit more during the weekends. I remember talking/hearing different points about how Fayetteville Street can be activated. After the past 3 weeks, I think I’ve found what would be more valuable for “activating” the street: Advertising.

The last 3 weeks, Fayetteville St. has had the street closed with food trucks and events. About 2 Saturdays ago, there was the Caribbean carnival. I’m not sure what last week was, but this week was the 15th Annual African American Cultural Festival of Raleigh and Wake County.

When you go to the Downtown Raleigh Alliance page, you see none of those events listed on their calendar (Click here). Even if you look at the previous post, you’ll see that the International Food Festival was also not listed.

Next week is the Hopscotch music festival and again I don’t see it on the Downtown Raleigh Alliance site. On VisitRaleigh.com, the events in Raleigh (an downtown if we want people downtown) should be on the first page. Currently there’s only 1 event I see on the first page for Raleigh; All the rest are Cary, Garner, Morrisville, and Zebulon.

If the last 3 weeks are a sign of what usually happens on weekends, then Fayetteville St. is all set for the weekends. The nights are probably a different story.


Don’t quote me on this because I can’t remember where I heard it and it may have been on this site - but I think Red Hat and Duke Performing Arts Center are getting some kind of marquees. Which I think would be great. I pass by Red Hat and see something gearing up and am curious on the spot but forget within minutes to follow up.


RFQ for a streetscape plan. We may see a fresh look for the street sometime in the future.



String. Lights. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Life threateningly dangerous, can’t do it


Why stop there? Do like Fremont St. in Vegas.