Five Points, East End Market, & Raleigh Iron Works

That little stretch of Whitaker Mill could really use a sidewalk.


Unsure where we’re putting posts about this development, but the cranes at the Oberlin Rd massive neighborhood project are coming down!

I wonder if they plan to keep the parts onsite to be put up for Phase 2 :thinking:


Leo confirmed for me that the Rialto was in fact painted in this fantastic way. I had to take a snap today on my evening walk northward.


Can we have a RHPS meetup there? Looks awesome!


Not sure about you, but I think my RHPS days are well behind me. It is rare that I stay up past 10 anymore. And NOBODY wants to see my dadbod do the underwear run. haha


Don’t sell yourself short. There’s always somebody who’s going to be into whatever bod you are serving! Sadly, you can’t always control who those people are.
Also, bravo to you. I never attended RHPS in my underwear. I did take a squirt gun, toast and a newspaper with me though.


LOL, back in our college days we were (ir)regulars at RHPS almost every Friday night. Good times!! My 14 year old twins recently watched it for the first time and had questions. I told them, I wasn’t comfortable answering their questions for fear of self incrimination.

Maybe just for us, they’d do a 5pm show for the old and old-at-heart.

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Some friends dragged me along once in college and I had no idea what I was in for. The movie was crap, there were people acting it out live on stage in front of the screen, and I was covered with rice and water by the time I left.

Checked that box, but never again.

This came up in class today, and out of 18 undergraduates, only 2 have seen RHPS. Granted, we are in the middle of nowhere here, but still, I was stunned. There are two SGA folks in the class, I’ve started a campaign to bring the movie to campus.
I worked at the Rialto back in the day, and cleaning up after RHPS was always a pain the back side. But it was what keep the old place afloat in the late 80s.


Well of course the movie was crap. That’s not the point of it. You may not like the movie, but you certainly remember the experience. Even at my age, I’d go again with friends. It would be fun.


Lol yeah. I know people love it because it’s so bad. And that people love doing all the stuff with the rice and water pistols and such.

I do remember it being weird AF. I’m glad I experienced it, but once is enough for me.

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damnit janet…i love bluuuuuuue!

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Let’s do the time warp again!


If only… :thought_balloon:


That shade of blue would not pass the HOA in my hood. Five points needs an HOA. No bueno.

Ah yes, because cities should all be beige and grey and lifeless!

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Ahhh, not so fast…Nice landscaping and maintenance is a prerequisite in most HOA’s. Green, attractive areas, uncluttered. Sidewalks in my HOA governed hood are constantly repaired, common areas clean. Even have an old log cabin and some other historic structures on the property perfectly preserved. (I know you like that).

Sooo, I know the easy and often ill informed criticisms refer to beige, not true. Lush and green is more appropriate. You are still young grasshopper, but in due time you will join me.

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my experience in North Ridge Villas with hoa…it wasn’t Death Star. hired snow plows for snow events, wood fence maintenance, your own tree limbs shouldn’t poke eyes when walking on the sidewalk, cars not parked in the street, satellite dishes not on towers etc. approved colors on houses, sure. but not oppressive, IMO. and the city kept harris teeter trucks from getting to the store to early with excessive beeping. in sum, not all that bad.

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Checked in on the progress at RIW this afternoon:

Brodeto’s construction is coming along and taking shape. We were able to peek through an opening in the window wrap and see the progress.

:camera_flash:: @GucciLittlePig

:camera_flash:: @GucciLittlePig

And we hadn’t seen this aspect of the Forge apartments until we drove out a different way. The swimming pool has a below water window for passersby to view into.