East End Pase II tower?
Not to mention parking for Dock 1053. I hate when people complain about parking but goddamn is that lot a mess
Yup. That’s what they’re calling it. 11 story building. It’s the one shown on that sign above. I was just confirming it’s real and with different players than Iron Works
I was able to get my hands on the interior renderings for Ponysaurus new place at Iron Works. Now this is creative design work!
The Planning Commission committee will be meeting on the rezoning of the big Oaks at Whitaker Glen property (Whitaker Mill and Bernard) to NX-5 on 10/27
This is quickly becoming my favorite new development. The reuse of steal with new construction and landscaping looks really nice.
Not my picture
When does this all open to the public? I want to check it out but it seems to be for insiders and cooler people than me.
We went by there the other day. You can drive up between the buildings and can get out and walk around. Of course the buildings aren’t open yet but it does look really nice.
Not sure, I got the picture from a guy installing countertops at one of the retail spots.
I took this as an opportunity yesterday to do just that, and to get a few pictures. It’s definitely going to be a unique space for Raleigh. The signs say Coming Spring 2023.
I was also interested to see the 3rd old building having some work done on it. I forget offhand what the plan is for that one.
Does it look like “work” is being done or maybe prep to remove? Are there plans to renovate that one as well? I didn’t think there was any architectural significance to that structure?
I’m not sure what, if any, plan there is for it They had the large doors opened up and looked to be doing something inside. This sounds like a reconnaissance job for a stealthy drone…
Isn’t that where they planned to have those steel structured office buildings for phase 2?
16 posts were split to a new topic: Five Points Streetscape and Safety Study
Rezoning of the remainder of the Iron Works property to 20 stories set to go before the Planning Commission on 10/25
This may have been covered/discussed here at some point, but there’s not even a crosswalk, connecting the new development, and Dock 1053 at Atlantic/Whitaker Mill.
I really hope they get the ped bridge funded and built. In the meantime, they really need better connectivity and while I’m at it, walking across the bridge on Atlantic is unnerving, still.
You should drive. Much nicer in a car.
I remember when I first moved here, I had family from out of town and thought we could Uber to Lynnwood and walk over to Big Boss and see a few Raleigh sights at once. Felt like hobos walking down the ditch on the side of Atlantic - not exactly the best intro to the city haha.
Scary coming down the bridge on bike too, especially with the right turn mixing zone.