Future of Glenwood South

Talking about Noir - What about the elephant in the room Solas? Vastly underutilized nice big building with roof top - I don’t know what Niall is waiting for here. Sell it or re-brand

Have you seen that place late night? Slam packed. And LOUD.

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haha I have not been out in awhile and should not assume things I guess
What is a Solas soiree look like these days? and are you happy with the utilization of the space?

@Street_Grid It is remarkable how fast it transformed. When I moved into the Cotton Mill in 1996, Glenwood South was a ghost town. The 510 Glenwood building was the de facto major kick starter to the neighborhood renaissance, and it was right at the Millennium. From there it transformed pretty rapidly.


Well I’m usually tucked in bed before they get started so I’m fine with it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

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It really seems like an eyesore/dead zone during the day and non late night hours. I lived in that neighborhood from 2007 to 2012, and in its early days Solas used to have a ground floor restaurant that added a little more activity to the area than it seems to now.

In a recent Podcast Raleigh, Niall talked about the plans for solas. I think a refresh is in the works.


It’s about damn time. What once was a jewel on Glenwood has become an eyesore.

42nd Street was there in the late 80’s. There was no Glenwood South at the time. Greenshields and The Berkeley were basically the only joints to get a beer at. RiRa came to the Clouds Brewing building in the mid to late 90’s, then the Tir Na Nog (current Bida Manda/Brewery Bharvana) and some others in and around City Market. I want to say Glenwood South started up around 2000.

Pre Greenshields it was slim pickings downtown.

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I remember hitting Askew Paints on Glenwood when I was in Design School at State. It felt like it was a million miles away. Similarly, 42nd St. felt like it was in the middle of a no-man’s land.
As difficult as it may seem to believe, but Glenwood South is still in its youth. I think it will be a very different place in 10 years.


I have been to Seoul 116 once and it was very good. I was thinking more along the lines of Seoul Garden on Atlantic in N. Raleigh, but even higher-end like the ones in midtown Manhattan, where you cook your meat over coal-fired table grills.

I do recalling not being able to find 42nd St right off the first few times I went, and second wondering where on earth was I - the early was gritty, industrial and damn empty at night.

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I remember in the early 2000’s going to Stool Pigeons and Hard Times Cafe in the Creamery. I loved their Chili MAC!

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Glenwood Ave. needs to be a district full of mid-sized apartment buildings in my opinion. Also, we need more attractions like a 50 lab bowling alley, 14 room movie theater, indoor water park?, and 1 mile strip mall

What stretch of Glenwood are you referring to? If you are including a water park and 1 mile strip mall, I can’t imagine that in Glenwood South.

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I don’t know to be honest with you. I just feel like if we had a indoor water park in that area and strip mall it would be great. Glenwood/Cameron Village area

Do you have examples of indoor water parks that we can see? I’m intrigued by the idea. As for a mile long strip mall, well, that’s longer than the entire stretch of Glenwood South.


Great Wolf Lodge in Concord, but that’s difficult to achieve anywhere inside the beltline in Raleigh

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Anyone know what is going on with “Peace Street Inspection” . I think that would be a great spot for another “dram & draught” style bar. Same set up with building and parking lot… and great location.

OR… I think it would be great for someone to make something similar to GRUB in Durham!


Love the idea of GRUB there! But if the site were to get developed, I think the old plans from Hinsdale Row would be a good start. I think it was the same developer that moved on and did Dorothea Row, Caraleigh Commons, etc.?