Future of Glenwood South

I mean… this is the South, our local college has a large ag/vet program, and there isn’t a live country bar in DTR. Heck, I like country music and think this sounds like it could be fun. Most of the time I go to Tin Roof it’s just a random cover band anyway.

Did Google fiber close? Anyone know? I feel I may have missed this. :grimacing:

Yes it did. During the pandemic

Can we get the 518 W. Italian restaurant back please?


Didn’t know if this should go in the parking thread or here so feel free to move it. Don’t think I’ve seen this one shared anywhere yet.


I think I’d need to hear from both sides on this but at first glance, I don’t think permits would be a bad idea. I get the challenges from the resident perspective.


I think this is a great idea. Too many of my friends drive to Glenwood south when we go out on the weekends which is a terrible idea because we go there to drink and party so by the end of the night… let’s just say I wouldn’t drive. Granted I’m lucky in that I live on Hillsborough by the bell tower so for me getting to Glenwood is an easy and quick bus ride and a short and cheap uber ride back but still I think if parking became harder to find during the late hours it would make some people think twice before driving to the club


sidebar: extended Go Raleigh hours would be amazing!!!


They really should do the permit thing. I was at Glenwood South both of the past 2 weekends and parked in 2 separate garages. Both of those garages were 75-80% empty, at 11p on Friday and Saturday. So it’s not like there is not anywhere else to park.


Yeah if I was a resident in the GS-area I wouldn’t want people passed out in their cars in front of my house either. As @ventureConsult points out there’s already a bunch of parking decks in/around GS and they’re adding another couple ones with the Creamery and Madison projects.

I still think they should stop vehicle-through traffic on GS (make it pedestrian only) on Friday/Saturday nights but that’s a whole different conversation.


Pretty big rezoning requested for the south side of the 700 block of Johnson St adjacent to St Marys. Asking for 12 story mixed use (CX-12-UL-CU).

Gonna need more parking permits if this gets built. Don’t think there’s enough space for a parking deck.


There is plenty of room for a parking deck at the west end. Even plenty of room to comfortably wrap it on all sides if they choose to.

The conceptual parking deck footprint here is pretty much the exact same as that of 712 Tucker, which is literally right next door


I stand very corrected. Thank you.

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According to the map in the story, this seems to be a request for the area north of Peace, not Glenwood South proper. The parking within the actual district is a shit show as well with lots of cars parking illegally and dangerously. The same sort of complaints that the folks in the single family neighborhoods are also experienced by residents of the district. Several years ago, my car was parked outside for the evening to accommodate for a garage cleaning the following morning and it was hit and run by a drunk driver. Fortunately for me, he was stupid (and drunk enough) to drive away with his bumper casing stuck into the back of my car. From there the police were able to get some sort of vehicle ID number and arrest him and have his insurance cover my damage.
Frankly, I’d support a program that pushed partiers to parking decks and then tested them for drunk driving at the exists when they left.


The building between Rockford and Tin Roof has been demo’d. I’ll grab a pic tomorrow midday if someone else hasn’t gotten to it first.


Do we know if there is anything lined up for this site?

There’s been plans out there for some kind of outdoor patio entertainment space but I wonder with the rezoning request in if they’ll proceed with the original plans or just demo and leave empty for now.

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So the Highwoods treatment? :slight_smile: haha


That’s my guess too as sad as it is. Though I will say it wouldn’t shock me if that building had structural damage and was filled with asbestos.

Would be cool if they at least turned it into a yard area with a pop up outdoor bar. It’s such prime real estate.


Most recent plans: