Looks like they’re starting reno in the old Devolve Moto space as well.
Dang you beat me to it. Just took photos of this 30 minutes ago
It would’ve been great if they added some much needed density to this area with apartments above the restaurant/bar/club. I’m also not the one pay for this so .
Sometimes I post while I roll.
even in the late 90s i would bike or bum a ride back to ‘then’ north raleigh from that area. a pleasant experience of raleigh when no traffic was around.
In case anyone is interested, there’s a community meeting coming up to discuss safety issues in the area with Raleigh PD’s Chief Patterson. There is a Zoom meeting for those that can’t join in person.
They’re doing some surveying on the lot of buildings across from The Avenue / The Willard on Glenwood.
Looks like the old Still Life building has been revamped into “Whiskey Rose”. From my window at The Line they look to be officially open for the first time tonight.
I know people hate Nextdoor, but I saw this post today and it made me laugh for a number of reasons. I thought some of you would enjoy it. I guess the kid doesn’t read the news that the police will be enforcing noise ordinances.
In case you can’t see it, it looks like the ticket was issued at 21:41 pm.
Speaking of noise…
On Saturday night I was walking much of the downtown districts and I kept encountering the same 10 or 12 cars in a pack that were cruising up and down, across, and back and forth through downtown. No matter where I turned on my walk, they were there. All of the cars were either unmufflered or had noise amplification of some sort or another. It was clearly a case of “look at me and hear how cool I am” sort of cruising. Is this typical or was this a one off? Does anyone know? I’d think that this would be much more of a noise nuisance than someone playing music outside their window before 10 in the evening. Then again, I don’t know how loud the music was that the violator was playing.
That all said, what inherently gives de facto permission for someone to introduce outdoor noise to their neighbors because they are downtown? How is that inherently a downtown issue? Certainly there are city noises that come with the territory including sirens, cumulative chatter on busy sidewalks, normal automobile sounds, etc., but being downtown isn’t inherently a carte blanche permission slip to just do whatever you want.
I didn’t realize cruising was still a thing. I did it once as a teenager with some friends. I thought it was the dumbest thing then, and still do today.
With gas prices the way that they are, they gotta really like to do it! I hardly want to get in my car at all if don’t absolutely have to.
I do like driving around slower areas like downtown with my windows down playing music. It’s relaxing. But as a means to get somewhere, not just driving in circles. I guess maybe some people take that to the next level.
So, I went and check out “Fenton” in Cary. https://fentonnc.com. It isn’t finished at all, but so far it’s pretty awesome! A lot of mixed use with retail, restaurant and apartments. Most of the big stores in Crabtree have and are moving out to go to Fenton. Crawford and others putting in restaurants. Great movie theater, etc etc. (I’m sure people on here will hate on it, hate on Cary, etc… but so far I think it’s awesome! And excited to see what is to come). I really like the design and feel. Each store front has its own unique facade. Oh, and it has real dedicated bike/walk lanes that are clearly marked well and make sense.
My point to saying all this, if I could wave a magic wand, I would love to see Glenwood South turn into this. A great stretch of some big box stores, boutique (local) retail, restaurant/bar and apartments/hotels above it all! It would be a real all day destination. I understand Smokey Hollow is similar… but no where near the size. Sure, Smokey will have a few great places (which I’m really excited about)… I just wish the stretch of Glenwood South was something amazing. Like a Magnificent Mile in Chicago!
Sure we have pockets all over Raleigh, just wish I could park my car (or walk) to a location that has it all and I can walk up and down the street… vs. Cameron Village… parking lots, etc. Or random stores at the bottom of buildings around downtown. Even Warehouse is great, but sparse.
And it can keep the Raleigh / Glenwood South character, by keeping the facades of certain buildings, and creating facades that look similar. Doesn’t have to turn into something in Charlotte or wherever.
I for one would never want to see Glenwood Sourh with big box stores.
Probably the worst place in the city to put a big box store tbh.
Not even if the “google store” turned into an Apple Store? Def not all big box. Just a couple good ones sprinkled in amongst local retail, along with local restaurants, etc. I think having at least a couple big box stores could lure more in for the whole street experience that would end up shopping at all other stores as well. Maybe bring people to the area for a certain store that aren’t familiar with some of the new local stores, they see it and end up shopping there, etc. Would provide more constant all day traffic. Cameron Village has both. A few bigs with a bunch of boutiques.
Well, there’s driving with your windows down and playing music, and then there’s driving with your windows down and playing music so loudly that it can be heard from a few blocks away. I was referring to the latter.
One of the city-sized Targets could potentially be solid depending on where the traffic would come in and out.