Future of Glenwood South

Isn’t that the creamery planned building in the picture


I was thinking that, just wasn’t sure why it was at the front of their presentation. Maybe for adjacent property comparison?

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Frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me if the owners wanted the rezoning while the current council has power. Maybe this doesn’t happen right away but the right remains long after this council is gone. I fully expect a backlash council coming in the not too distant future, but these rezonings will be a long lived legacy.


Wine bar, small plates. Last I heard.


Looks like the south side of the 700 block of West Johnson wants to go up to 12-stories.


Heard from a reliable source that Cornerstone closes their doors for good on Dec 31st of this year. I’m guessing/hoping the new project on that land will start soon after.


Lots of small businesses in that stretch.


Good fuckin riddance


We’ll likely loose a bunch of small-footprint shops and longtime businesses. The sharpest of double edge swords.

While for years, I’ve always thought this corridor deserved to get up-zoned, the realization of the inevitable displacement of these small businesses stings. If these properties got redeveloped in the future, hopefully the current businesses owners would get first dibs on lease agreement consideration. Similar to Dram & Draught at the current 2 (1?) Glenwood building.
It would be tragic if this stretch was redeveloped into one large resi building without ground level retail (and lots of it), imo. That or only large retail floor plans are considered. That’s my only concern.

The mixed use nature of this strip is a strength supporting this side of the GWS neighborhood (and the furthest tip of what most people still consider “downtown.”). It exudes an activated ambiance with leisure and entertainment biz offerings (yoga studio, record shop, tattoo shop, small offices, etc) while maintaining a calm neighborhood vibe and natural tapered integration into Peace & St. Mary’s.

I hope that could be preserved through tall & skinny designs similar to that of the relatively “new” extended stay hotel on Johnson (I’m blanking on the name but you know, the one everyone called ugly at first-- Revision? Is that it?). I’d love to see that kind of infill and preserved smaller retail spaces if (more like “when”) the rezoning and eventual property sell offs occur.


I think everyone still calls Revisn ugly - didn’t it win that contest?


I don’t hate it, never did. It’s not a beautiful building or anything, but I don’t understand how it’s “ugly” - as @Nosyarg points out, it’s a relatively small footprint building that added new development without taking out an entire block with it.


Agreed on nearly everything in your post, but thought I’d pull out this quote in particular. I couldn’t agree more that downtown needs smaller footprint retail/services spaces because these are the types of spaces that are easier for small independents to operate in efficiently and profitably.
As for Revisn, it’s still ugly! The very worst of it however is how horribly it meets the sidewalk. It’s just awful.


Think this was mentioned in a triangle food blog post. Believe everyone was on it with the wine bar concept. Matt Kenner according to the post is behind and I believe he’s behind Anchor Bar, Dogwood, and some other stuff if I remember correctly.




Left the comfort of staying under my rock to venture out into the world today.
Saw this sign at the corner of North & Glenwood but unsure if this been mentioned yet?

Also, hole I hadn’t noticed yet. Sad (or good riddance? ) when you can’t even remember what was there before the change:

Fencing in front of the NY Bagel + Salon spaces you guys have been talking about:

And uhhh, not really GWS but close enough. I wanted to take a photo of the jarringly hideous juxtaposition of Block 81’s deck up against these two older apartment buildings when I noticed these “flags” on the banister. Can’t make out exactly what it says but feel I understand the sentiment(?). Something to the tune of “development =/= affordable housing” & “save Chargrill” (LOL)


Save Char Grill… from themselves?


Knock that thing down and put a big ole fat 60 story mixed use on it.


Not my pic* I tried to get my own, but he was too fast. I was walking on W. North Street today near the railroad tracks and saw what I believe what was one of these guys, a “Nutria”?. Anyone else seen one of these guys lingering around Glenwood or around downtown before? Seemed unusual to spot this guy over in the middle of Glenwood South.

Wasn’t expecting a nature walk today :joy:


I’ve seen some on the Greenways - particularly rocky branch.
Also saw some smaller ones (maybe nice) at a popular downtown restaurant’s streetery. To be fair it was close to closing time and I think they knew :joy:

I saw one crossing Lenoir Street last week near the creek that runs next to Chavis Park, then just a couple days ago I saw one in my neighbors yard. The tail was fatter and I almost thought it was a beaver.


Probably a groundhog. They’re everywhere around here, including downtown. They love the little streams and creeks.