Future of Glenwood South

Add another rezoning to the Glenwood South area. NW corner of Lane / Boylan intersection to OX-12-UL. 3 plots ~0.4 acre.

Project description: single building containing an integrated, compact vertical mix of retail, office, and residential uses. secured parking under the building for residents and urban open space adjacent to ground level retail uses and building entrances. multi-family residential component is approx 9 to 12 condominium-style units located above the first 2 floors consisting of retail and office use.


really really exciting if this gets built to the description. Exactly the kind of small-scale mixed use development that is hard to come by but lovely to see, especially a couple blocks off a main business corridor… if there’s an active street-level use, it’d feel like a small expansion of street life into an area that skews residential. Also: condos! Here’s the area in question. Looks like only one historic structure that’d be sacrificed.


I love historic buildings, but even I don’t see anything on these 3 plots needing saving?


I mentioned it only because there’s a part of me that’s bummed when we have to trade, say, a row of Victorians or bungalows for new construction when there are a thousand surface parking lots that could be developed first. That’s not the case here – it’s one lil 1910 house and two completely nondescript structures. Bulldoze away.


But why orient E to the top?
:upside_down_face: :tired_face:


Nightlife - both in terms of them doing business there, and them just going out but bringing a gun because they always carry one.

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8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Police in Raleigh

New Zoning request for the Glenwood South area, this one on Lane and Boylan. Initially reported by @mike a couple of days ago but the official request just hit the Raleigh Wire.

Requesting change from OX-3-DE w/NCOD to OX-12-UL-CU

red baloon


Office Mixed Use, 12 stories, Urban Limited, what’s the CU?

“Conditional Uses” added. Lately this is usually stuff that is clarified to appease NIMBYs. But this one seems pretty mild.


They are proposing to allow OPTOMETRISTS?!! There goes the neighborhood!

NOT IN MY BACKYARD! Let’s start a letter writing campaign to the legislature DEMANDING that they disincorporate Raleigh if this crap goes through.

Can’t they SEE how this is going to impact the history and quality of our neighborhoods?? Simply the SIGHT of this is going to deteriorate our property values!!
SEE what I did there?

Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.


Another shooting…time to move more traffic around the neighborhood. :roll_eyes:
I suppose this isn’t what the city was envisioning when they spent all those years courting a grocery store and doing all that they could do to get people to commit to being residents to make the grocer happen.

Its a pretty simple solution….drop the “enforcement hammer” on Cornerstone & all of the other cheesy ass bars…make it such a pain in the ass to continue to operate. Pull in the SBI to conduct a few drug raids & have alcohol
Checkpoints at every outlet in & out of Glenwood South


Yep. time to get serious.

It’s more than that.
Some ideas:

  1. The city could enforce its noise ordinance, whatever that is these days. For seemingly forever, there are motorcyclists cruising the streets with stereo systems so loud that you can hear them many blocks away. There are cars doing to same. Cars themselves (that cruise…but more on that next) have been modified to be so loud that the noise can be heard loudly from inside ones home. If venues were forced to operate their loud music INSIDE their venue instead of filling up their entire property with partiers and loud music, maybe the city would have a much more controllable crowd situation?
  2. The city could implement a no cruising policy to eliminate much of the traffic that it’s trying to fix by squeezing folks out of the main strip and into adjacent residential areas.
  3. The city could police the speeding and running of traffic signals. The speed limit has been reduced to 25 MPH, but on my evening walk yesterday I saw car after car doubling the limit and I was nearly run over by someone who just blew through a red light as I was in the crosswalk at Boylan and Morgan.
  4. The city could leverage its conditional use mechanism when petitions for rezoning for density are in process. I think that the city envisions the emergence of more walkable neighborhoods, but those will not come to pass when the district with the most housing and the city’s only full scale, full service downtown grocer continues to be overrun with just weekend party joints.

I was on the rooftop of the Botanical Garden last night. I didn’t hear a pop, although people closer to the streetside did. There was a pool of blood on the sidewalk as well as streaks of blood on one of the doors.

There were cops all over the street. I have no idea who would be so brazen. Seems like this is more of a Glenwood stupidity issue than it is an issue with the presence Raleigh has added.

I did take some pictures of the scene, but they’re graphic. So, I won’t be posting them on the forums.

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One more item is that the city is looking to make the noise ordinances more enforcable soon.

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Dropping the hammer, yes. Removing Raleigh’s entertainment options, no.

No one under 21 should be on Glenwood after a certain time. Let’s start there. Shooter last night was 20 years old.

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I’m aware that this issue is being discussed and I think that the revision is being promoted by councilor Melton.