General Feedback and Site Announcements

I’ll take that!


Very cool site announcement function, @dtraleigh


First time using it. :partying_face:

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Posting here as a quick test as the site had updates run this morning and broke the ability for all users to post. This should be fixed and working as normal now.


Hey all. I want to do some server thing. I’m going to put the site in read-only mode tomorrow, Sunday Jan 15. You won’t have the ability to post. I’ll follow up when I’m done.

Keep your fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:


This work is mostly done. I’m giving the all clear here. You may see some images (older ones) not load, especially your avatars, that’ll start to work throughout the day. :nerd_face:


Yeah a few of the custom emoji reactions don’t load, but everything else seems to be working fine. Thanks for your efforts keeping this place awesome!


FYI to all, there was an issue with the FROM email address on forum notifications but that has been resolved. You might want to check your Spam/Junk folder and mark any messages from the forum as not junk. Going forward all forum messages should be delivered to your inbox as expected.


Hi all. I was just made aware that emails aren’t working. Turns out they haven’t worked for about a week. After debugging for about an hour, I’m stuck on this issue. I’ll be looking at it throughout the day. If you are trying to reset a password, you won’t get the email until this is fixed. Sorry about that.

Darn did you not pay the elf in the mail storing room? OK here’s a little to help pay him so he will get back to work.

The pipes are flowing again. Thanks to @scotchman for providing the necessary grease. It takes a village to run a forum. :slight_smile:


Edits in slow mode topics should be allowed now.


Well, we did it. We hit the 5-year milestone! (it was actually Thursday but I’ve been distracted this week)

It’s time for the yearly ask. Seriously, I try my best to do this once a year. :moneybag:

Thanks to everyone who is giving feedback and support, whether it’s your money or your kind words. Both add value and are greatly appreciated over here at DTRaleigh HQ. Also, for those showing up to the in-person events, it’s always great to see the regulars as well as the newcomers. Welcome to Raleigh, everyone. (I don’t say y’all normally :grimacing:)

No words of wisdom this year. The usual contribution methods are still in place. I accept Venmo (@dtraleigh) and I’ve always had the Paypal page set up.

Again, much appreciated and hope to see people at the next meetup. :smile:


I just wanted to announce that I was just notified that today is my 5 year anniversary of joining this forum. Do I get a plaque or something?

In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Leo to support him keeping this place running.


Maybe a Gucci watch would be appropriate to commemorate such a milestone. :rofl: :watch:

Has anyone else had issues when trying to upload multiple pictures in a post?

I keep getting an error and having to basically upload with one picture then edit the post to add the others one by one.

Noticed some general slowness on the site, as well as a 504 a bit earlier. Could be some general site issues.

How many images did you try at once? I’d like to attempt it myself to see.

Mostly 3-4. It’s been happening for a few months so I’m sure it’s just a me problem for some reason. Here’s the error I get.