General Parking Discussion

Looks like that deck is a private deck:

The free parking only applies to city-owned lots:

I would avoid that lot in the future and not pay it unless they threatened to sue. They cannot add this to your credit report, and I’d argue that keeping the gates open and charging that amount for that period of time is incredibly predatory.


Was there a sign informing you of the rates? This is absurd.

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There was a sign, but again, gates were up, and I have never paid to park DT on a weekend. EVER.

This is related to something that I’ve noticed for awhile now and I’m not sure of a sophisticated solution but we the parking landscape is a combination of private and public decks. The public decks/lots have their own rules depending if they are from the state, county, or city.

In short, it’s confusing. I’m sorry this happened to you and I think you’re right. How can they justify this charge? I mean, a lost ticket should default to the all day rate. Please ask a lot of questions to them to really understand what happened here.


That’s an insane amount of money, but I suspect that the signage for that deck did require payment daily or they’d have no basis to demand the non payment fee.
That said, the fee is ridiculous. I’m guessing that the deck owner was solicited by the billing company, and that the billing company takes the majority of $82. I wonder if putting pressure on the deck owner could result in a change to their process. It wouldn’t surprise me if the owner was sold on the idea of cutting staffing hours in exchange for this company managing it from afar.

Yet again, there’s no parking in downtown Raleigh.


PEAK occupancy and none of them are ever at full capacity. Unreal. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


The parking fund is also losing money year-over-year with these kinds of numbers. You wonder if it could be possible to build on top of one of these things or take the oldest one and start to consider decommissioning it. I’m glad to see that the city is out of the parking deck building business for sure.


How possible would it be to build on top of those parking decks? The City Center one seems like it’d make the most sense due to the sheer number of spaces. Just not sure how easy it would be to build a 5 story wooden structure at the top of that deck.

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Not sure how easy, but the city has been talking to developers about it and there is interest, per the 5/7 city council meeting Leo posted in the Faye St thread.


Gotcha. While the City Center would provide the biggest structure, I’d say that the Wilmington Street structure would be the most attractive. Directly overlooking Fayetteville Street and adding more people to that area. That said, the development could be an absolute nightmare. No idea where they’d put the equipment to make it.

Maybe not directly on top but perhaps along side one of the decks. They could partially remove a deck and reclaim some of the land similar to what 121 Fayetteville wanted to do. Revisit that here.


Leo where’s this taken from?

And you just KNOW damn well that none of the private apartment building decks are even near as close to capacity as these city decks, making overall occupancy of ALL downtown decks even lower. It’s SUCH a waste of space…


Here’s the parking program update from the May 7 council meeting. Video should start around 1:43:00


bUt tHerE iS NeVer EnOUgH pARkInG!!

Buildings pretty much can’t be built over in situ, since their foundations / walls aren’t engineered to take more weight than they’re already holding. Isn’t the Municipal Complex deck site part of the new city office building?

And one key effect of online shopping is that Christmas shopping isn’t as highly peaked as it used to be. But those parking requirements aren’t just in (most) zoning laws, they’re also in most big retailers’ leases.

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I believe the deck will be left as is until the second phase which is most likely still pending. Someone correct me if this is incorrect.

With this, I’m assuming a lot of it is due to working from home still and office vacancies? I’d be curious what the numbers are at night and/or weekends. I know I’ve parked before at Moore Square and at Wilmington Station deck. Usually that’s when I’d be at Raleigh Times, Sitti, or around that area. That’s not during the peak night times. I’d also be curious how the deck occupancy seems to be during events on Fayetteville St.

I’m just assuming here but I’d imagine they’ll demo the deck when Phase 2 is to be built (which is the current City Hall building next door to the forthcoming municipal building) - they can use the deck space for staging, and then when Phase 2 is completed I believe the plan was to sell the (current) deck lot for private development. Someone can also correct me if I’m off base.